Function Reference: geodir_sc_gd_listings_output


Get the geodirectory listings.

Global Values

(string) (required) The girdview style of the listings for widget.

Default: None
(bool) (required) Is this a widget listing?.

Default: : false
(bool) (required) Check that current listview is event.

Default: None
(object) (required) The current post object.

Default: None
(array) (required) Map data in json format.

Default: None
(array) (required) Map canvas array.

Default: None
(object) (required) GeoDirectory Session object.

Default: None


(array) (required) Array of arguements to filter listings.

Default: None

Return Values

  • Listings HTML content.

Change Log

Since: 1.4.2

1.6.5 $tags parameter added.

1.6.18 New attributes added in gd_listings shortcode to filter user favorite listings.

1.6.24 listing_width parameter does not working.


‘geodir_before_sc_gd_listings’ [Line: 719]


‘geodir_sc_gd_listings_not_found_content’ [Line: 598]

‘geodir_template_part-widget-listing-listview’ [Line: 746]

Source File

geodir_sc_gd_listings_output() is located in geodirectory-functions/shortcode_functions.php [Line: 576]

Source Code

function geodir_sc_gd_listings_output($args = array()) {
    $title				 = !empty($args['title']) ? __($args['title'], 'geodirectory') : '';
	$post_type 			 = !empty($args['post_type']) ? $args['post_type'] : 'gd_place';
	$category 			 = !empty($args['category']) ? $args['category'] : '0';
	$post_number		 = !empty($args['post_number']) ? $args['post_number'] : 10;
	$add_location_filter = !empty($args['add_location_filter']) ? true : false;
	$list_sort 			 = !empty($args['list_sort']) ? $args['list_sort'] : 'latest';
	$character_count	 = isset($args['character_count']) ? $args['character_count'] : '';
	$layout 			 = !empty($args['layout']) ? $args['layout'] : 'gridview_onehalf';
	$listing_width 		 = !empty($args['listing_width']) ? $args['listing_width'] : '';
	$with_pagination 	 = !empty($args['with_pagination']) ? true : false;
	$event_type 	 	 = !empty($args['event_type']) ? $args['event_type'] : '';
    $shortcode_content   = !empty($args['shortcode_content']) ? trim($args['shortcode_content']) : '';
    $tags                = !empty($args['tags']) ? $args['tags'] : array();
     * Filter the content text displayed when no listings found.
     * @since 1.6.0
     * @param string $shortcode_content The shortcode content text.
     * @param array $args Array of arguements to filter listings.
    $shortcode_content = apply_filters('geodir_sc_gd_listings_not_found_content', $shortcode_content, $args);
	$top_pagination 	 = $with_pagination && !empty($args['top_pagination']) ? true : false;
	$bottom_pagination 	 = $with_pagination && !empty($args['bottom_pagination']) ? true : false;
	$shortcode_atts		 = !empty($args['shortcode_atts']) ? $args['shortcode_atts'] : array();

	// ajax mode
	$geodir_ajax		 = !empty($args['geodir_ajax']) ? true : false;
	$pageno 	 		 = $geodir_ajax && !empty($args['pageno']) ? $args['pageno'] : 1;
	$query_args = array(
        'posts_per_page' => $post_number,
        'is_geodir_loop' => true,
        'gd_location' => $add_location_filter,
        'post_type' => $post_type,
        'order_by' => $list_sort,
		'pageno' => $pageno

    if ($character_count >= 0) {
        $query_args['excerpt_length'] = $character_count;
    if (!empty($args['post_author'])) {
        $query_args['post_author'] = $args['post_author'];

    if (!empty($args['show_featured_only'])) {
        $query_args['show_featured_only'] = 1;

    if (!empty($args['show_special_only'])) {
        $query_args['show_special_only'] = 1;

    if (!empty($args['with_pics_only'])) {
        $query_args['with_pics_only'] = 0;
        $query_args['featured_image_only'] = 1;

    if (!empty($args['with_videos_only'])) {
        $query_args['with_videos_only'] = 1;
    if (!empty($args['show_favorites_only'])) {
        $query_args['show_favorites_only'] = 1;
        $query_args['favorites_by_user'] = !empty($args['favorites_by_user']) ? $args['favorites_by_user'] : 0;
    $with_no_results = !empty($args['without_no_results']) ? false : true;

    if (!empty($category) && isset($category[0]) && $category[0] != '0') {
        $category_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies($post_type);

        ######### WPML #########
        if (geodir_wpml_is_taxonomy_translated($category_taxonomy[0])) {
            $category = gd_lang_object_ids($category, $category_taxonomy[0]);
        ######### WPML #########

        $tax_query = array(
            'taxonomy' => $category_taxonomy[0],
            'field' => 'id',
            'terms' => $category

        $query_args['tax_query'] = array($tax_query);
    if (!empty($tags)) {
        // Clean tags
        if (!is_array($tags)) {
            $comma = _x(',', 'tag delimiter');
            if ( ',' !== $comma ) {
                $tags = str_replace($comma, ',', $tags);
            $tags = explode(',', trim($tags, " \n\t\r\0\x0B,"));
            $tags = array_map('trim', $tags);
        if (!empty($tags)) {
            $tag_query = array(
                'taxonomy' => $post_type . '_tags',
                'field' => 'name',
                'terms' => $tags

            if (!empty($query_args['tax_query'])) {
                $query_args['tax_query'][] = $tag_query;
            } else {
                $query_args['tax_query'] = array($tag_query);

    global $gridview_columns_widget, $geodir_is_widget_listing;

    if ($post_type == 'gd_event' && function_exists('geodir_event_get_widget_events')) {
		global $geodir_event_widget_listview;
		$geodir_event_widget_listview = true;
		if ($event_type && in_array($event_type, array('past', 'today', 'upcoming'))) {
			$query_args['geodir_event_type'] = $event_type;
		$total_posts = geodir_event_get_widget_events($query_args, true);
		$widget_listings = $total_posts > 0 ? geodir_event_get_widget_events($query_args) : array();
	} else {
		$total_posts = geodir_get_widget_listings($query_args, true);
		$widget_listings = $total_posts > 0 ? geodir_get_widget_listings($query_args) : array();
	$current_gridview_columns_widget = $gridview_columns_widget;
    $identifier = ' gd-wgt-pagi-' . mt_rand();
	if (!empty($widget_listings) || $with_no_results) {
		if (!$geodir_ajax) {
         * Called before the shortcode [gd_listings] content is output.
         * @since 1.0.0
un_set('gd_listing_view'); if ($with_pagination && $top_pagination) { echo geodir_sc_listings_pagination($total_posts, $post_number, $pageno); } /** * Includes listing listview template. * * @since 1.0.0 */ include($template); if ($with_pagination && $bottom_pagination) { echo geodir_sc_listings_pagination($total_posts, $post_number, $pageno); } $geodir_is_widget_listing = false; $GLOBALS['post'] = $current_post; if (!empty($current_post)) { setup_postdata($current_post); } $map_jason = $current_map_jason; $map_canvas_arr = $current_map_canvas_arr; global $gridview_columns_widget; $gridview_columns_widget = $current_gridview_columns_widget; } else { echo $shortcode_content; } ?>