2.1.1 - 2025-03-27
- External calendars synchronization show error - FIXED
2.1.0 - 2025-01-02
- PHP notice on email preview - FIXED
- Minimum and Maximum stay restrictions now prevent selection of unpermitted dates. - FIXED.
- No Check-in/No Check-out day restrictions properly validate and grey out restricted days - FIXED.
- Early bird and last-minute discounts are now mutually exclusive - FIXED (e.g., early bird + long stay) but not both early bird and last-minute discounts - FIXED.
- Discount logic updated to apply the highest applicable discount for long-term stays (e.g., weekly, biweekly, monthly) and to correctly combine up to two discounts, such as early bird and long stay - CHANGED.
- Pets field now allows numeric input with maximum limit instead of checkbox - CHANGED
- PHP notice on email preview - FIXED
- Hide listings from bookings setup dropdown which have booking not enabled - FIXED
- Sometimes installer broken due to GetPaid plugin load order - FIXED
- View Booking modal not working on AJAX loaded content - FIXED
2.0.16 - 2024-08-27
- Ical synchronizer not unblocking dates - FIXED
- Minor bug fixes - FIXED
2.0.15 - 2024-08-21
- Updated the calendar to show detailed booked and imported bookings - ADDED
- Booking total on search results don\'t include discounts - FIXED
- Calculations issues with last-minute discounts and booking total discounts. - FIXED
- Extra guests calculation logic - FIXED
- Complete past bookings cron job error - FIXED
- Minor bug fixes - FIXED
2.0.14 - 2024-08-12
- Fix unknown column gdbooking issue - FIXED
- Booking form fees amount not added to total booking amount - FIXED
- Not able to save cleaning & pet fees in decimal - FIXED
- Pre-saved customer phone with space prevents reserve booking on own listing - FIXED
2.0.13 - 2024-07-31
- Allow booking owners to filter iCal imported bookings - ADDED
- Ical import skipping bookings with intersecting days - FIXED
2.0.12 - 2024-07-25
- Booking calendar conflicts with Elementor calender - FIXED
2.0.11 (2024-07-15)
- Fixed booking form calendar issues caused by Elementor library conflict - FIXED
- Show the applied discount on the booking form - FIXED
- Discounts not applying the way they are expected in some cases - FIXED
- ONE discount type to be applies at one time - CHANGED
- Owner remove discount link not working -FIXED
2.0.10 (2024-07-04)
- Owner selecting multiple dates not working on windows - FIXED
- iCal still importing dates individually due to bug - FIXED
2.0.9 (2024-06-27)
- Allow booking owners to select multiple dates using drag or multi-selection with Ctrl/Command key - ADDED
- Added listing owner option to delete bookings - ADDED
- Added booking request functionality for listing owners to accept or decline reservations (based on
instant book
custom field) - ADDED
- Several user reported small bug fixes - FIXED
- GD searched dates will now be used for single view price calculations - ADDED
- GD search page will now display the nightly price meta field as dynamic and show total booking price for searched dates - ADDED
- ical imports were importer as single bookings - CHANGED
- Booking block now states when using an average nightly price calculation - FIXED
- iCal imports can cause unwanted invoice/booking emails - FIXED
2.0.8 (2024-06-17)
- Hide room listing from GD autocomplete search - FIXED
- Prevent email notifications for rooms listings - FIXED
2.0.7 (2024-06-17)
- Fixed wonky pricing calculation issue - FIXED
- Added admin option to add bookings - ADDED
- Added admin option to edit bookings - ADDED
- Added admin option to delete bookings - ADDED
- Added listing owner option to manually add bookings for their listings - ADDED
- Added listing owner option to edit bookings - ADDED
- Added listing owner option to delete bookings - ADDED
- Minor bug fixes - FIXED
2.0.6 (2024-04-03)
- Updated the booking form layout to a modern design - CHANGED
- Added a booking guests field for adults, children, infants and pets - ADDED
- Enhanced booking form to include extra charges for extra guests fee, cleaning fee and pets fee - ADDED
- Added iCal export and import for booking sync with external platforms - ADDED
- Minor bug fixes - FIXED
2.0.5 (2024-01-31)
- Allow charging tax only on fees only - ADDED
- PHP deprecated notice - FIXED
- Added filter to change status of free payments - ADDED
- Widget/Blocks renamed for better understanding - CHANGED
- Room booking custom field added to allow multiple rooms per listing - ADDED
- Give Feedback notice added to settings pages - ADDED
- Widget/Blocks given style options - ADDED
- Optimized query of owner bookings table - CHANGED
2.0.4-beta (2023-04-25)
- Booking widgets now require booking to be specifically set on the listing - CHANGED
- Main search bar input shows "Guests" as value instead of placeholder - FIXED
2.0.3-beta (2023-04-20)
- Block themes can break some JS HTML template for booking form - FIXED
2.0.2-beta (2023-04-19)