2.3.7 - 2025-03-13
- PHP notice on GetPaid checkout form after update - FIXED
2.3.6 - 2025-03-13
- GD Map option added to filter results by franchises - ADDED
2.3.5 - 2024-11-21
- Free listing with paid franchise feature is not working - FIXED
2.3.4 - 2024-05-03
- Sometimes shows PHP notice when no locked fields saved for post - FIXED
2.3.3- 2023-10-05
- PHP undefined index notice - FIXED
2.3.2 - 2023-08-31
- Restructure caching functionality - CHANGED
2.3.1 - 2023-08-10
- Use pretty permalinks for add franchise link - FIXED
2.3 - 2023-03-16
- Load add listing JS in footer in backend add listing page - FIXED
- Changes for AUI Bootstrap 5 compatibility - ADDED
2.2.2 (2022-10-06)
- Load add listing JS in footer - FIXED
2.2.1 (2022-08-09)
- Franchise product created for WooCommerce looses subscription data - FIXED
2.2 (2022-02-22)
- Changes to support GeoDirectory v2.2 new settings UI - CHANGED
- Allow to lock post_title field from locked fields - ADDED
- Action added in backend edit listing page to add new franchise - ADDED
- Allow to customize the franchise labels for different CPT - CHANGED
- Franchise Of filter shows error on when Elementor template page - FIXED
- Allow to lock comments from locked fields - ADDED
- Franchise cost not applied to GetPaid invoice on add franchise - FIXED
- Upgrade main listing don\'t updates package & expire dates of franchises - FIXED
- Franchises are not auto claimed on claim main listing - FIXED
- It removes categories from franchises when main listing is saved from backend - FIXED
- Skip invoices for free franchise - CHANGED
- Changes for AyeCode UI compatibility - CHANGED
- Default value setting is not working for franchise field - FIXED
- Allow to setup separate add franchise page for each CPT - CHANGED
- Link posts changes related to locked fields - CHANGED
- Disable franchise via package does not hides "Lock franchise fields" field - FIXED
- Locked fields options shows field enabled for admin use only - FIXED
- Franchise permalink is not working when category is locked - FIXED
- Category field not updated for franchise on parent post updated - FIXED
- Save main listing creates duplicate media for franchise listings - FIXED
- Locking editor field breaks editor tools on other html fields FIXED
- Minor PHP notice fix - FIXED
- Some strings are not translatable - FIXED
- Problem in saving locked field for non-admin users - FIXED
- Disable location filter for franchises tab by default - CHANGED
- No issues reported in beta, releasing non beta version - INFO