2.3.7 - 2025-03-13
- Business locations list not updated when business account changed - FIXED
2.3.6 - 2025-01-02
- Import from TripAdvisor is not working - FIXED
2.3.5 - 2024-09-03
- Autoload option affects performance on large site - FIXED
2.3.4 - 2023-11-11
- Label type Top breaks import GMB fields- FIXED
2.3.3 - 2023-07-12
- Phone value not imported with Yelp import - FIXED
2.3.2 - 2023-06-19
- PHP deprecated notice "Creation of dynamic property" - FIXED
2.3.1 - 2023-05-26
- Yelp import don\'t show correct business hours - FIXED
2.3 - 2023-03-16
- Changes for AUI Bootstrap 5 compatibility - ADDED
2.2.4 - 2022-11-15
- Google My Business OAuth 2.0 authorization compatibility changes - CHANGED
2.2.3 - 2022-10-06
- Set proper title to featured media imported from Yelp & Tripadvisor - CHANGED
2.2.2 - 2022-07-14
- Deprecated Google My Business API replaced with new API - FIXED
2.2.1 - 2022-04-27
- Facebook page import now working via 3rd party service - FIXED/CHANGED
- Toast notice shows on import success - ADDED
2.2 (2022-02-22)
- Changes to support GeoDirectory v2.2 new settings UI - CHANGED
- Address coordinates not imported from TripAdvisor - FIXED
- Import from GMB & post to GMB features added for Google My Business - ADDED
- In some cases facebook title and description not pulled in - FIXED
- Change Facebook app scope permissions - CHANGED
- Import from Facebook shows wrong address - FIXED
- Changes for AyeCode UI compatibility - CHANGED
- Lazy Load map feature added - ADDED
- Some timezones adds one day difference in event dates on import FB event - FIXED
- Business Hours not imported properly for multiple time slots on same day - FIXED
- Sometimes import description, phone from Tripadvisor not working - FIXED
- Check duplicate value for post imported by social importer - FIXED
- Import from Facebook page sometimes does not grabs description - FIXED
- Import not working when url contains cyrillic letters - FIXED
- Fails to import event dates from Facebook Event - FIXED
- Auto save creates multiple attachment entries for featured image - FIXED
- Some language strings are not translatable - FIXED
- Import from TripAdvisor grabs incorrect photos - FIXED
- Post to facebook not working after v2 update - FIXED
- WP Error breaks ajax response during import - FIXED
- It imports low quality images from TripAdvisor - FIXED
- Social importer shows timeout when import from Facebook - FIXED
- Facebook image import tries to use better quality images where it can - FIXED
- Image import system updated to work with new GD core image format - CHANGED
- TripAdvisor images not importing due to TA changes - FIXED
- Default language file not loading for text domain issue - FIXED
- Error on publish free listing on frontend - FIXED
- Depreciated facebook permissions removed from app requirements - FIXED
- Title shows incorrect characters in title for non-English characters - FIXED
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Event imports can throw html error - FIXED
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Server caching of images can cause old deleted imported yelp images to show in a new yelp import - FIXED
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Facebook event end date can be prefixed with a space - FIXED
Facebook events zipcode and lat/lng not populating properly - FIXED
Facebook events dates can be set in wrong format - FIXED
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When importing from Yelp add listing form shows deleted images from previous import - FIXED
If import url has space at start or end then nothing is imported - FIXED
Some FB descriptions can have issues with HTML imported - FIXED
Imported images can leave original imported image even if attachment deleted - FIXED
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JavaScript error can break facebook import - FIXED
Image limit not working with import FB page - FIXED
Import description does not work with advanced editor - FIXED
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Update and improve code - CHANGED
Resolved Event date blank - FIXED
Solved Facebook video Display issues. - FIXED
Added Facebook page logo in Images. - ADDED
Solved Tripadvisor address issues. FIXED
Solved Tripadvisor import issues. FIXED
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Solved Import video and images issues - FIXED
Check Facebook event is public and available for import - ADDED
Import Facebook events time - CHANGED
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Facebook Description from about page - CHANGED
Check PHP XML status on GD->Status page- ADDED
Import Facebook page logo - ADDED
Import Facebook videos - ADDED
Import Events - ADDED
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Initial beta release