GeoDirectory SupportIs Password Correct – GeoDirectory Support Sat, 15 Mar 2025 13:44:06 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[Is Password Correct]]> Sat, 05 Jul 2014 08:11:12 +0000 rockhopper How do I check that the password I am using in my Auto Updates is correct? I believe I have changed the password to access my account on the GeoDirectory website, does this affect the password in Auto Updates?

I have tried to change the password in Auto Updates to the new one but when I save it reverts to the old password (I can tell because the password length is different.

At the moment updated data no longer appears on the public side of the website.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Is Password Correct]]> Sat, 05 Jul 2014 08:57:03 +0000 Guust Your WordPress will still tell you if there is an update available of any of your GD addons.
If you then agree to update, and your saved password is incorrect, the update process will tell you.
Whether your password is correct or not, should not have any effect on the frontend, unless your addons are out of date.
You can compare the versions by looking at the version in your download area here, and then look at the version in your plugin list.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Is Password Correct]]> Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:07:12 +0000 rockhopper Hi Guust,

What I did was to update the core Geodirectory plugin, I then got messages saying I should update the addons, which I was unable to do because I then received a message saying I needed to login (or something similar). So I decided to download the addons I wanted to my computer, deleted them in WordPress and upload the new versions.

All appeared correct when viewing the WordPress plugins page but the public side no longer appears to update i.e. when I add a new location using the WordPress backend it does not appear to show on the public side.

NOW it says no records found although they still exist in the backend.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Is Password Correct]]> Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:17:55 +0000 Guust You just confirmed the saved password was incorrect. Not too sure how you can force that, maybe by saving a fake username and password, and then saving your proper credentials again? Or going into the database?
Your workaround is fine of course, but not preferable I guess.

Adding a new location will not show anything unless you have a listing in that location. And there is no need to add locations anyway, you can just do that as you add listings. I hope I understood you correctly.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Is Password Correct]]> Sat, 05 Jul 2014 16:45:10 +0000 Paolo Just FYI, no matter what error there is in the autoupdate process, it will tell you it is wrong user and password, even if it is not.

There are 4 or 5 members that reported autoupdate problem even if 100% sure the password was correct. In fact, one was able to update some and other not.

If for some reason (could be a server time out) you can’t autoupdate addons, go to your profile page >> downloads and download the addons that need updating.

Extract the ZIP on your desktop and upload them via FTP to overwrite the old versions.

Basically update them the good old way…

Hope this helps.


p.s. we are trying hard to track down the auto update problem, but it’s happening to few members and we can’t seem to recreate the problem so far…

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Is Password Correct]]> Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:16:02 +0000 rockhopper Thanks Guust and Paolo. I still have the problem. This is what now shows on the Geodirectory homepage.

As I only have some test data in the geodirectory and the geodirectory is the only thing in the subdomain I am thinking the quickest way to sort this is out is to delete everything and start again? Seems drastic but is there any other way?

Am I right in assuming that the password I use in the geodirectory updates MUST BE THE SAME as that used to access the Members area of Geodirectory?

How do I change the password used in Geodirectory Updates?

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Is Password Correct]]> Mon, 07 Jul 2014 07:31:14 +0000 Guust Rockhopper, that image in itself doesn’t mean much. We would need to see the actual site (and access your admin).
And yes, the passwords have to be the same.
If you know what you are doing, I guess you can delete the password and username in your database.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Is Password Correct]]> Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:55:50 +0000 rockhopper <![CDATA[Reply To: Is Password Correct]]> Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:12:10 +0000 Guust I would need access to your cPanel or other control panel, so I can delete your password.
But the password field in the Auto Updates will always show 8 characters, that does not mean that your password is 8 characters. Most likely your password is correct in your database.

I also changed your multi location settings.
I ticked the second option for “Home Page Results” and also added the switcher to your menu. Hopefully that is fixing your other problem you had.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Is Password Correct]]> Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:59:54 +0000 rockhopper