Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This is a preview of your listing, it has not been published yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go back and edit" or if you want to add the listing then click on "Publish".<br> You are going to pay <b>%s</b> & alive days are <b>%s</b> as %s listing | 您的项目尚未发布,这是项目预览。 <br />您可以点击\“回去编辑\”,或者点击\“发布\”来发布这个项目。<br>您需要支付<b>%s</b> 有效期为<b>%s</b>天 (%s类型项目) | Details | |
This is a preview of your listing, it has not been published yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go back and edit" or if you want to add the listing then click on "Publish".<br> You are going to pay <b>%s</b> & alive days are <b>%s</b> as %s listing 您的项目尚未发布,这是项目预览。 <br />您可以点击\“回去编辑\”,或者点击\“发布\”来发布这个项目。<br>您需要支付<b>%s</b> 有效期为<b>%s</b>天 (%s类型项目) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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