Function Reference: geodir_event_add_listing_settings


This function has not been documented yet.

Source File

geodir_event_add_listing_settings() is located in geodir_event_manager/gdevents_functions.php [Line: 24]

Source Code

function geodir_event_add_listing_settings($arr){
	$event_array = array();
	foreach($arr as $key => $val){
		$event_array[] = $val;
		if($val['id'] == 'geodir_tiny_editor_on_add_listing'){
			$event_array[] = array(  
											'name' => __( 'Show event 'registration description' field as editor', GEODIREVENTS_TEXTDOMAIN ),
												'desc' 		=> __( 'Select the option to show advanced editor on add listing page.', GEODIREVENTS_TEXTDOMAIN ),
												'tip' 		=> '',
												'id' 		=> 'geodir_tiny_editor_event_reg_on_add_listing',
												'css' 		=> 'min-width:300px;',
												'std' 		=> '',
												'type' 		=> 'select',
												'class'		=> 'chosen_select',
												'options' => array_unique( array( 
																			'' => __( 'Select', GEODIREVENTS_TEXTDOMAIN ),
																			'yes' => __( 'Yes', GEODIREVENTS_TEXTDOMAIN ),
																			'no' => __( 'No', GEODIREVENTS_TEXTDOMAIN ),
	return $event_array;