Function Reference: geodir_sc_event_listing


This function has not been documented yet.

Source File

geodir_sc_event_listing() is located in geodir_event_manager/gdevents_shortcodes.php [Line: 8]

Source Code

function geodir_sc_event_listing( $atts ) {
	$defaults = array(
		'post_type'           => 'gd_event',
		'category'            => '0',
		'post_number'         => 5,
		'layout'              => 'gridview_onehalf',
		'add_location_filter' => 1,
		'listing_width'       => '',
		'list_sort'           => 'latest',
		'list_filter'         => 'all',
		'character_count'     => 20,
		'title'               => '',
		'before_widget'		  => '',
		'after_widget'		  => '',
		'before_title'		  => '

', 'after_title' => '

' ); $params = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts ); /** * Begin validating the params */ // Validate the category/ies chosen $params['category'] = gdsc_manage_category_choice( $params['post_type'], $params['category'] ); // Post_number needs to be a positive integer $params['post_number'] = absint( $params['post_number'] ); if ( 0 == $params['post_number'] ) { $params['post_number'] = 1; } // Validate our layout choice // Outside of the norm, I added some more simple terms to match the existing // So now I just run the switch to set it properly. $params['layout'] = gdsc_validate_layout_choice( $params['layout'] ); // Validate Listing width, used in the template widget-listing-listview.php // The context is in width=$listing_width% - So we need a positive number between 0 & 100 $params['listing_width'] = gdsc_validate_listing_width( $params['listing_width'] ); // Validate our sorting choice $params['list_sort'] = $params['list_sort'] == 'upcoming' ? $params['list_sort'] : gdsc_validate_sort_choice( $params['list_sort'] ); // Validate our sorting choice $params['list_filter'] = gdsc_validate_list_filter_choice( $params['list_filter'] ); // Validate character_count $params['character_count'] = absint( $params['character_count'] ); if ( 20 > $params['character_count'] ) { $params['character_count'] = 20; } $params['title'] = sanitize_text_field( $params['title'] ); if ( empty( $params['title'] ) || $params['title'] == 'All' ) { $params['title'] .= ' ' . get_post_type_plural_label( $params['post_type'] ); } geodir_event_postview_output($params, $params); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; }