Function Reference: geodir_action_details_micordata


Output the posts microdata in the source code.


This micordata is used by things like Google as a standard way of declaring things like telephone numbers etc.

Global Values

(bool) (required) True of on a preview page. False if not.

Default: None
(object) (required) The current post object.

Default: None




(object) (optional) The post object or blank.

Default: None

Change Log

Since: 1.0.0

1.5.4 Changed to JSON-LD and added filters.

1.5.7 Added $post param.


‘geodir_details_schema’ [Line: 1437]

‘geodir_details_facebook_og’ [Line: 1453]

Source File

geodir_action_details_micordata() is located in geodirectory_template_actions.php [Line: 1313]

Source Code

function geodir_action_details_micordata($post='')

    global $preview;
    if(empty($post)){global $post;}
    if ($preview || !geodir_is_page('detail')) {

    // url
    $c_url = geodir_curPageURL();

    // post reviews
    $post_reviews = get_comments(array('post_id' => $post->ID, 'status' => 'approve'));
    if (empty($post_reviews)) {
        $reviews = '';
    } else {
        foreach ($post_reviews as $review) {

            if($rating_value = geodir_get_commentoverall($review->comment_ID)){
                $reviews[] = array(
                    "@type" => "Review",
                    "author" => $review->comment_author,
                    "datePublished" => $review->comment_date,
                    "description" => $review->comment_content,
                    "reviewRating" => array(
                        "@type" => "Rating",
                        "bestRating" => "5",// @todo this will need to be filtered for review manager if user changes the score.
                        "ratingValue" => $rating_value,
                        "worstRating" => "1"



    // post images
    $post_images = geodir_get_images($post->ID, 'thumbnail', get_option('geodir_listing_no_img'));
    if (empty($post_images)) {
        $images = '';
    } else {
        $i_arr = array();
        foreach ($post_images as $img) {
            $i_arr[] = $img->src;

        if (count($i_arr) == 1) {
            $images = $i_arr[0];
        } else {
            $images = $i_arr;

    // external links
    $external_links =  array();
    $external_links[] = $post->geodir_website;
    $external_links[] = $post->geodir_twitter;
    $external_links[] = $post->geodir_facebook;
    $external_links = array_filter($external_links);

        $external_links = array_values($external_links);

    // reviews
    $comment_count = geodir_get_review_count_total($post->ID);
    $post_avgratings = geodir_get_post_rating($post->ID);

    // schema type
    $schema_type = 'LocalBusiness';
    if(isset($post->default_category) && $post->default_category){
        $cat_schema = geodir_get_tax_meta($post->default_category, 'ct_cat_schema', false, $post->post_type);
        if($cat_schema){$schema_type = $cat_schema;}
        if(!$cat_schema && $schema_type=='LocalBusiness' && $post->post_type=='gd_event'){$schema_type = 'Event';}

    $schema = array();
    $schema['@context'] = "";
    $schema['@type'] = $schema_type;
    $schema['name'] = $post->post_title;
    $schema['description'] = wp_strip_all_tags( $post->post_content, true );
    $schema['telephone'] = $post->geodir_contact;
    $schema['url'] = $c_url;
    $schema['sameAs'] = $external_links;
    $schema['image'] = $images;
    $schema['address'] = array(
        "@type" => "PostalAddress",
        "streetAddress" => $post->post_address,
        "addressLocality" => $post->post_city,
        "addressRegion" => $post->post_region,
        "addressCountry" => $post->post_country,
        "postalCode" => $post->post_zip

    if($post->post_latitude && $post->post_longitude) {
        $schema['geo'] = array(
            "@type" => "GeoCoordinates",
            "latitude" => $post->post_latitude,
            "longitude" => $post->post_longitude

    if($post_avgratings) {
        $schema['aggregateRating'] = array(
            "@type" => "AggregateRating",
            "ratingValue" => $post_avgratings,
            "bestRating" => "5", // @todo this will need to be filtered for review manager if user changes the score.
            "worstRating" => "1",
            "ratingCount" => $comment_count
    $schema['review'] = $reviews;

     * Allow the schema JSON-LD info to be filtered.
     * @since 1.5.4
     * @since 1.5.7 Added $post variable.
     * @param array $schema The array of schema data to be filtered.
     * @param object $post The post object.
    $schema = apply_filters('geodir_details_schema', $schema,$post);

    echo '';

    $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
    $facebook_og = (isset($post->featured_image) && $post->featured_image) ? '' : '';

     * Show facebook open graph meta info
     * @since 1.6.6
     * @param string $facebook_og The open graph html to be filtered.
     * @param object $post The post object.
    echo apply_filters('geodir_details_facebook_og', $facebook_og,$post);
