Function Reference: geodir_admin_fields


Admin fields


Loops though the geodirectory options array and outputs each field.

Global Values

(object) (required) GeoDirectory plugin object.

Default: None
(object) (required) Sitepress WPML object.

Default: None




(array) (required) The options array.

Default: None

Change Log

Since: 1.0.0

Source File

geodir_admin_fields() is located in geodirectory-admin/admin_functions.php [Line: 910]

Source Code

function geodir_admin_fields($options)
    global $geodirectory;

    $first_title = true;
    $tab_id = '';
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($options as $value) :
        if (!isset($value['name'])) $value['name'] = '';
        if (!isset($value['class'])) $value['class'] = '';
        if (!isset($value['css'])) $value['css'] = '';
        if (!isset($value['std'])) $value['std'] = '';
        $desc = '';
        switch ($value['type']) :
            case 'dummy_installer':
                $post_type = isset($value['post_type']) ? $value['post_type'] : 'gd_place';
            case 'title':

                if ($i == 0) {
                    echo '
'; echo '
'; } $i++; if (isset($value['id']) && $value['id']) $tab_id = $value['id']; if (isset($value['desc']) && $value['desc']) $desc = ':- ' . $value['desc'] . ''; if (isset($value['name']) && $value['name']) { if ($first_title === true) { $first_title = false; } else { echo '
'; } echo '
' . $value['name'] . '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Called after a GeoDirectory settings title is output in the GD settings page. * * The action is called dynamically geodir_settings_$value['id']. * * @since 1.0.0 */ do_action('geodir_settings_' . sanitize_title($value['id'])); break; case 'no_tabs': echo '
'; echo '
'; break; case 'sectionstart': if (isset($value['desc']) && $value['desc']) $desc = ' - ' . $value['desc'] . ''; if (isset($value['name']) && $value['name']) echo '

' . $value['name'] . $desc . '

'; /** * Called after a GeoDirectory settings sectionstart is output in the GD settings page. * * The action is called dynamically geodir_settings_$value['id']_start. * * @since 1.0.0 */ if (isset($value['id']) && $value['id']) do_action('geodir_settings_' . sanitize_title($value['id']) . '_start'); echo '' . "\n\n"; break; case 'sectionend': /** * Called before a GeoDirectory settings sectionend is output in the GD settings page. * * The action is called dynamically geodir_settings_$value['id']_end. * * @since 1.0.0 */ if (isset($value['id']) && $value['id']) do_action('geodir_settings_' . sanitize_title($value['id']) . '_end'); echo '
'; /** * Called after a GeoDirectory settings sectionend is output in the GD settings page. * * The action is called dynamically geodir_settings_$value['id']_end. * * @since 1.0.0 */ if (isset($value['id']) && $value['id']) do_action('geodir_settings_' . sanitize_title($value['id']) . '_after'); break; case 'text': ?> placeholder="" style=" " value=""/> placeholder="" style=" " value=""/> placeholder="" style="" value=""/> $post_types_obj) : $checked = is_array($gd_post_types) && in_array($key, $gd_post_types) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $gd_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies($key); if ($gd_cats_upgrade) { $gd_cat_taxonomy = isset($gd_taxonomy[0]) ? $gd_taxonomy[0] : ''; $gd_cats = isset($gd_categs[$gd_cat_taxonomy]) ? $gd_categs[$gd_cat_taxonomy] : array(); $gd_cats = !empty($gd_cats) && is_array($gd_cats) ? array_unique($gd_cats) : array(); } $post_cat = implode(',', $gd_cats); $gd_taxonomy_list = geodir_custom_taxonomy_walker($gd_taxonomy); ?>
/> labels->singular_name, 'geodirectory'); ?>

false, 'textarea_rows' => 10); wp_editor($content, esc_attr($value['id']), $editor_settings); ?> get_default_language(); $current_lang = $sitepress->get_current_language(); if ($current_lang != 'all' && $current_lang != $default_lang) { $disabled = "disabled='disabled'"; $switch_lang = $current_lang; $sitepress->switch_lang('all', true); } } // $page_setting = (int)get_option($value['id']); $args = array('name' => $value['id'], 'id' => $value['id'], 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'show_option_none' => ' ', 'class' => $value['class'], 'echo' => false, 'selected' => $page_setting); if (isset($value['args'])) $args = wp_parse_args($value['args'], $args); ?> switch_lang($switch_lang, true); } break; case 'single_select_country' : $country_setting = (string)get_option($value['id']); if (strstr($country_setting, ':')) : $country = current(explode(':', $country_setting)); $state = end(explode(':', $country_setting)); else : $country = $country_setting; $state = '*'; endif; ?> countries->countries; asort($countries); $selections = (array)get_option($value['id']); ?> "; } ?>