Function Reference: geodir_post_attachments


Prints Attachments meta box content.

Global Values

(object) (required) The post object.

Default: None
(int) (required) The post ID.

Default: None



Change Log

Since: 1.0.0

Source File

geodir_post_attachments() is located in geodirectory-admin/admin_functions.php [Line: 1741]

Source Code

function geodir_post_attachments()
    global $post, $post_id;

    wp_nonce_field(plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'geodir_post_attachments_noncename');

    if (geodir_get_featured_image($post_id, 'thumbnail')) {
        echo '

' . __('Featured Image', 'geodirectory') . '

'; geodir_show_featured_image($post_id, 'thumbnail'); } $image_limit = 0; ?>
(' . __('You can upload', 'geodirectory') . ' ' . $image_limit . ' ' . __('image with this package', 'geodirectory') . ')'; } ?> 1) { echo '
(' . __('You can upload', 'geodirectory') . ' ' . $image_limit . ' ' . __('images with this package', 'geodirectory') . ')'; } ?> (' . __('You can upload unlimited images with this package', 'geodirectory') . ')'; } ?>
src; endforeach; endif; if (!empty($place_img_array)) $curImages = implode(',', $place_img_array); // adjust values here $id = "post_images"; // this will be the name of form field. Image url(s) will be submitted in $_POST using this key. So if $id == �img1� then $_POST[�img1�] will have all the image urls $svalue = $curImages; // this will be initial value of the above form field. Image urls. $multiple = true; // allow multiple files upload $width = geodir_media_image_large_width(); // If you want to automatically resize all uploaded images then provide width here (in pixels) $height = geodir_media_image_large_height(); // If you want to automatically resize all uploaded images then provide height here (in pixels) ?>