Function Reference: geodir_property_rent_custom_fields


GD Dummy data for Properties for sale.



Change Log

Since: 1.6.11


‘geodir_property_rent_custom_fields’ [Line: 213]

Source File

geodir_property_rent_custom_fields() is located in geodirectory-admin/dummy-data/property_rent.php [Line: 9]

Source Code

function geodir_property_rent_custom_fields($post_type='gd_place',$package_id=''){
    $fields = array();
    $package = ($package_id=='') ? '' : array($package_id);

    // price
    $fields[] = array('listing_type' => $post_type,
                      'field_type'          =>  'text',
                      'data_type'           =>  'FLOAT',
                      'decimal_point'       =>  '2',
                      'admin_title'         =>  __('Price', 'geodirectory'),
                      'site_title'          =>  __('Price', 'geodirectory'),
                      'admin_desc'          =>  __('Enter the price per calendar month (PCM)in $ (no currency symbol)', 'geodirectory'),
                      'htmlvar_name'        =>  'price',
                      'is_active'           =>  true,
                      'for_admin_use'       =>  false,
                      'default_value'       =>  '',
                      'show_in' 	        =>  '[detail],[listing]',
                      'is_required'         =>  false,
                      'validation_pattern'  =>  addslashes_gpc('\d+(\.\d{2})?'), // add slashes required
                      'validation_msg'      =>  'Please enter number and decimal only ie: 100.50',
                      'required_msg'        =>  '',
                      'field_icon'          =>  'fa fa-usd',
                      'css_class'           =>  '',
                      'cat_sort'            =>  true,
                      'cat_filter'	        =>  true,
                      'extra'        =>  array(
                          'is_price'                  =>  1,
                          'thousand_separator'        =>  'comma',
                          'decimal_separator'         =>  'period',
                          'decimal_display'           =>  'if',
                          'currency_symbol'           =>  '$',
                          'currency_symbol_placement' =>  'left'

    // property status
    $fields[] = array('listing_type' => $post_type,
                      'data_type' => 'VARCHAR',
                      'field_type' => 'select',
                      'field_type_key' => 'property_status',
                      'is_active' => 1,
                      'for_admin_use' => 0,
                      'is_default' => 0,
                      'admin_title' => __('Property Status', 'geodirectory'),
                      'admin_desc' => __('Enter the status of the property.', 'geodirectory'),
                      'site_title' => __('Property Status', 'geodirectory'),
                      'htmlvar_name' => 'property_status',
                      'default_value' => '',
                      'is_required' => '1',
                      'required_msg' => '',
                      'show_in'   =>  '[detail],[listing]',
                      'show_on_pkg' => $package,
                      'option_values' => 'Select Status/,For Rent,Let,Under Offer',
                      'field_icon' => 'fa fa-home',
                      'css_class' => '',
                      'cat_sort' => 1,
                      'cat_filter' => 1,

    // property furnishing
    $fields[] = array('listing_type' => $post_type,
                      'field_type'          =>  'select',
                      'data_type'           =>  'VARCHAR',
                      'admin_title'         =>  __('Furnishing', 'geodirectory'),
                      'site_title'          =>  __('Furnishing', 'geodirectory'),
                      'admin_desc'          =>  __('Enter the furnishing status of the property.', 'geodirectory'),
                      'htmlvar_name'        =>  'property_furnishing',
                      'is_active'           =>  true,
                      'for_admin_use'       =>  false,
                      'default_value'       =>  '',
                      'show_in' 	        =>  '[detail],[listing]',
                      'is_required'         =>  true,
                      'option_values'       =>  __('Select Status/,Unfurnished,Furnished,Partially furnished,Optional','geodirectory'),
                      'validation_pattern'  =>  '',
                      'validation_msg'      =>  '',
                      'required_msg'        =>  '',
                      'field_icon'          =>  'fa fa-th-large',
                      'css_class'           =>  '',
                      'cat_sort'            =>  true,
                      'cat_filter'	        =>  true

    // property type
    $fields[] = array('listing_type' => $post_type,
                      'field_type'          =>  'select',
                      'data_type'           =>  'VARCHAR',
                      'admin_title'         =>  __('Property Type', 'geodirectory'),
                      'site_title'          =>  __('Property Type', 'geodirectory'),
                      'admin_desc'          =>  __('Select the property type.', 'geodirectory'),
                      'htmlvar_name'        =>  'property_type',
                      'is_active'           =>  true,
                      'for_admin_use'       =>  false,
                      'default_value'       =>  '',
                      'show_in' 	        =>  '[detail],[listing]',
                      'is_required'         =>  true,
                      'option_values'       =>  __('Select Type/,Detached house,Semi-detached house,Apartment,Bungalow,Semi-detached bungalow,Chalet,Town House,End-terrace house,Terrace house,Cottage,Hotel,Land','geodirectory'),
                      'validation_pattern'  =>  '',
                      'validation_msg'      =>  '',
                      'required_msg'        =>  '',
                      'field_icon'          =>  'fa fa-home',
                      'css_class'           =>  '',
                      'cat_sort'            =>  true,
                      'cat_filter'	        =>  true

    // property bedrooms
    $fields[] = array('listing_type' => $post_type,
                      'field_type'          =>  'select',
                      'data_type'           =>  'VARCHAR',
                      'admin_title'         =>  __('Property Bedrooms', 'geodirectory'),
                      'site_title'          =>  __('Bedrooms', 'geodirectory'),
                      'admin_desc'          =>  __('Select the number of bedrooms', 'geodirectory'),
                      'htmlvar_name'        =>  'property_bedrooms',
                      'is_active'           =>  true,
                      'for_admin_use'       =>  false,
                      'default_value'       =>  '',
                      'show_in' 	        =>  '[detail],[listing]',
                      'is_required'         =>  true,
                      'option_values'       =>  __('Select Bedrooms/,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10','geodirectory'),
                      'validation_pattern'  =>  '',
                      'validation_msg'      =>  '',
                      'required_msg'        =>  '',
                      'field_icon'          =>  'fa fa-bed',
                      'css_class'           =>  '',
                      'cat_sort'            =>  true,
                      'cat_filter'	        =>  true

    // property bathrooms
    $fields[] = array('listing_type' => $post_type,
                      'field_type'          =>  'select',
                      'data_type'           =>  'VARCHAR',
                      'admin_title'         =>  __('Property Bathrooms', 'geodirectory'),
                      'site_title'          =>  __('Bathrooms', 'geodirectory'),
                      'admin_desc'          =>  __('Select the number of bathrooms', 'geodirectory'),
                      'htmlvar_name'        =>  'property_bathrooms',
                      'is_active'           =>  true,
                      'for_admin_use'       =>  false,
                      'default_value'       =>  '',
                      'show_in' 	        =>  '[detail],[listing]',
                      'is_required'         =>  true,
                      'option_values'       =>  __('Select Bathrooms/,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10','geodirectory'),
                      'validation_pattern'  =>  '',
                      'validation_msg'      =>  '',
                      'required_msg'        =>  '',
                      'field_icon'          =>  'fa fa-bold',
                      'css_class'           =>  '',
                      'cat_sort'            =>  true,
                      'cat_filter'	        =>  true

    // property area
    $fields[] = array('listing_type' => $post_type,
                      'field_type'          =>  'text',
                      'data_type'           =>  'INT',
                      'admin_title'         =>  __('Property Area', 'geodirectory'),
                      'site_title'          =>  __('Area (Sq Ft)', 'geodirectory'),
                      'admin_desc'          =>  __('Enter the Sq Ft value for the property', 'geodirectory'),
                      'htmlvar_name'        =>  'property_area',
                      'is_active'           =>  true,
                      'for_admin_use'       =>  false,
                      'default_value'       =>  '',
                      'show_in' 	        =>  '[detail],[listing]',
                      'is_required'         =>  false,
                      'validation_pattern'  =>  addslashes_gpc('\d+(\.\d{2})?'), // add slashes required
                      'validation_msg'      =>  'Please enter the property area in numbers only: 1500',
                      'required_msg'        =>  '',
                      'field_icon'          =>  'fa fa-area-chart',
                      'css_class'           =>  '',
                      'cat_sort'            =>  true,
                      'cat_filter'	        =>  true

    // property features
    $fields[] = array('listing_type' => $post_type,
                      'field_type'          =>  'multiselect',
                      'data_type'           =>  'VARCHAR',
                      'admin_title'         =>  __('Property Features', 'geodirectory'),
                      'site_title'          =>  __('Features', 'geodirectory'),
                      'admin_desc'          =>  __('Select the property features.', 'geodirectory'),
                      'htmlvar_name'        =>  'property_features',
                      'is_active'           =>  true,
                      'for_admin_use'       =>  false,
                      'default_value'       =>  '',
                      'show_in' 	        =>  '[detail],[listing]',
                      'is_required'         =>  false,
                      'option_values'       =>  __('Gas Central Heating,Oil Central Heating,Double Glazing,Triple Glazing,Front Garden,Garage,Private driveway,Off Road Parking,Fireplace','geodirectory'),
                      'validation_pattern'  =>  '',
                      'validation_msg'      =>  '',
                      'required_msg'        =>  '',
                      'field_icon'          =>  'fa fa-plus-square',
                      'css_class'           =>  'gd-comma-list',
                      'cat_sort'            =>  true,
                      'cat_filter'	        =>  true

     * Filter the array of default custom fields DB table data.
     * @since 1.6.6
     * @param string $fields The default custom fields as an array.
    $fields = apply_filters('geodir_property_rent_custom_fields', $fields);

    return  $fields;