Function Reference: geodir_sc_listing_map
The geodirectory listing map shortcode.
This implements the functionality of the shortcode for displaying listing map.
Global Values
- $post
- (object) (required) The current post object.
- Default: None
- $atts
- (array) (required) {
Attributes of the shortcode. @type string $width Map width in pixels. @type string $height Map height in pixels. @type string $maptype Map type. Can be ROADMAP | SATELLITE | HYBRID | TERRAIN. @type string $zoom The zoom level of the map. Between 1-19. @type string $autozoom True if the map should autozoom, false if not. @type bool $sticky True if should be sticky, false if not
@type string $showall Show all listings on map? (not just page list). @type string $child_collapse True if the map should collapse the categories, false if not. @type string $scrollwheel True to allow scroll wheel to scroll map or false if not. @type bool $marker_cluster Enable marker cluster? Default: false. @type string $post_type Post type of listing. gd_place. @type string $category Category ids to filter listings. Ex: 1,3. 0. @type string $event_type The events filter. (for gd_event CPT only) Default: all. }.- Default:
Return Values
- (string)
- Map HTML.
Change Log
Since: 1.0.0
1.5.2 Added TERRAIN for $maptype attribute.
1.6.16 CHANGED: New parameters post_type, category & event_type added.
1.6.18 FIXED: For CPT other then “gd_place” not working.
Source File
geodir_sc_listing_map() is located in geodirectory_shortcodes.php [Line: 265]
Source Code
function geodir_sc_listing_map($atts) { // if some params are set then we need a new query, if not then we can use the main query if( isset($atts['post_type']) || isset($atts['category']) || isset($atts['event_type']) ) { global $add_post_in_marker_array, $gd_sc_map_params; $backup_globals = array(); $backup_globals['add_post_in_marker_array'] = $add_post_in_marker_array; $backup_globals['gd_sc_map_params'] = $gd_sc_map_params; $defaults = array( 'width' => '294', 'height' => '370', 'zoom' => '13', 'autozoom' => '', 'sticky' => '', 'showall' => '0', 'scrollwheel' => '0', 'maptype' => 'ROADMAP', 'child_collapse' => 0, 'marker_cluster' => false, 'post_type' => 'gd_place', 'category' => '0', 'event_type' => 'all' ); $params = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts ); if ( ! ( gdsc_is_post_type_valid( $params['post_type'] ) ) ) { $params['post_type'] = 'gd_place'; } // Validate the selected category/ies - Grab the current list based on post_type $category_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies( $params['post_type'] ); $categories = get_terms( $category_taxonomy, array( 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'fields' => 'ids' ) ); // Make sure we have an array if ( ! ( is_array( $params['category'] ) ) ) { $params['category'] = explode( ',', $params['category'] ); } // Array_intersect returns only the items in $params['category'] that are also in our category list // Otherwise it becomes empty and later on that will mean "All" $params['category'] = array_intersect( $params['category'], $categories ); if ( $params['post_type'] == 'gd_event' ) { $params['event_type'] = gdsc_validate_list_filter_choice( $params['event_type'] ); } $params = gdsc_validate_map_args( $params ); $gd_sc_map_params = $params; $query_args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 1000000, //@todo kiran why was this added? 'is_geodir_loop' => true, 'gd_location' => false, 'post_type' => $params['post_type'], ); if ( ! empty( $params['category'] ) && isset( $params['category'][0] ) && (int) $params['category'][0] != 0 ) { $category_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies( $params['post_type'] ); ######### WPML ######### if ( geodir_wpml_is_taxonomy_translated( $category_taxonomy[0] ) ) { $category = gd_lang_object_ids( $params['category'], $category_taxonomy[0] ); } ######### WPML ######### $tax_query = array( 'taxonomy' => $category_taxonomy[0], 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $params['category'] ); $query_args['tax_query'] = array( $tax_query ); } $add_post_in_marker_array = true; if ( $params['post_type'] == 'gd_event' && function_exists( 'geodir_event_get_widget_events' ) ) { global $geodir_event_widget_listview; $geodir_event_widget_listview = true; $query_args['geodir_event_type'] = $params['event_type']; $listings = geodir_event_get_widget_events( $query_args ); $geodir_event_widget_listview = false; } else { $listings = geodir_get_widget_listings( $query_args ); } if ( ! empty( $listings ) ) { foreach ( $listings as $listing ) { create_marker_jason_of_posts( $listing ); } } ob_start(); add_action( 'wp_head', 'init_listing_map_script' ); // Initialize the map object and marker array add_action( 'the_post', 'create_list_jsondata' ); // Add marker in json array add_action( 'wp_footer', 'show_listing_widget_map' ); // Show map for listings with markers $default_location = geodir_get_default_location(); $map_args = array( 'map_canvas_name' => 'gd_listing_map', 'width' => $params['width'], 'height' => $params['height'], 'zoom' => $params['zoom'], 'autozoom' => $params['autozoom'], 'sticky' => $params['sticky'], 'showall' => $params['showall'], 'scrollwheel' => $params['scrollwheel'], 'maptype' => $params['maptype'], 'child_collapse' => 0, 'enable_cat_filters' => false, 'enable_text_search' => false, 'enable_post_type_filters' => false, 'enable_location_filters' => false, 'enable_jason_on_load' => true, 'ajax_url' => geodir_get_ajax_url(), 'latitude' => isset( $default_location->city_latitude ) ? $default_location->city_latitude : '', 'longitude' => isset( $default_location->city_longitude ) ? $default_location->city_longitude : '', 'streetViewControl' => true, 'showPreview' => '0', 'maxZoom' => 21, 'bubble_size' => 'small', ); if ( is_single() ) { global $post; if ( isset( $post->post_latitude ) ) { $map_args['latitude'] = $post->post_latitude; $map_args['longitude'] = $post->post_longitude; } $map_args['map_class_name'] = 'geodir-map-listing-page-single'; } else { $map_args['map_class_name'] = 'geodir-map-listing-page'; } // Add marker cluster if ( isset( $params['marker_cluster'] ) && gdsc_to_bool_val( $params['marker_cluster'] ) && defined( 'GDCLUSTER_VERSION' ) ) { $map_args['enable_marker_cluster'] = true; } else { $map_args['enable_marker_cluster'] = false; } geodir_draw_map( $map_args ); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); foreach ( $backup_globals as $global => $value ) { ${$global} = $value; } return $output; }else{ ob_start(); add_action('wp_head', 'init_listing_map_script'); // Initialize the map object and marker array add_action('the_post', 'create_list_jsondata'); // Add marker in json array add_action('wp_footer', 'show_listing_widget_map'); // Show map for listings with markers $defaults = array( 'width' => '294', 'height' => '370', 'zoom' => '13', 'autozoom' => '', 'sticky' => '', 'showall' => '0', 'scrollwheel' => '0', 'maptype' => 'ROADMAP', 'child_collapse' => 0, 'marker_cluster' => false ); $params = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts); $params = gdsc_validate_map_args($params); $map_args = array( 'map_canvas_name' => 'gd_listing_map', 'width' => $params['width'], 'height' => $params['height'], 'zoom' => $params['zoom'], 'autozoom' => $params['autozoom'], 'sticky' => $params['sticky'], 'showall' => $params['showall'], 'scrollwheel' => $params['scrollwheel'], 'child_collapse' => 0, 'enable_cat_filters' => false, 'enable_text_search' => false, 'enable_post_type_filters' => false, 'enable_location_filters' => false, 'enable_jason_on_load' => true, ); if (is_single()) { global $post; $map_default_lat = $address_latitude = $post->post_latitude; $map_default_lng = $address_longitude = $post->post_longitude; $mapview = $post->post_mapview; $map_args['zoom'] = $post->post_mapzoom; $map_args['map_class_name'] = 'geodir-map-listing-page-single'; } else { $default_location = geodir_get_default_location(); $map_default_lat = isset($default_location->city_latitude) ? $default_location->city_latitude : ''; $map_default_lng = isset($default_location->city_longitude) ? $default_location->city_longitude : ''; $map_args['map_class_name'] = 'geodir-map-listing-page'; if ( geodir_is_page( 'search' ) ) { $map_default_lat = ''; $map_default_lng = ''; if ( isset( $_REQUEST['sgeo_lat'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['sgeo_lon'] ) ) { $map_default_lat = (float)sanitize_text_field( $_REQUEST['sgeo_lat'] ); $map_default_lng = (float)sanitize_text_field( $_REQUEST['sgeo_lon'] ); } if ( empty( $map_default_lat ) && empty( $map_default_lng ) && ! empty( $_REQUEST['set_location_type'] ) && ! empty( $_REQUEST['set_location_val'] ) && function_exists( 'geodir_get_location_by_id' ) ) { $location = geodir_get_location_by_id( '', (int)$_REQUEST['set_location_val'] ); if ( ! empty( $location ) ) { $map_default_lat = $location->city_latitude; $map_default_lng = $location->city_longitude; } } } } if (empty($mapview)) { $mapview = 'ROADMAP'; } // Set default map options $map_args['ajax_url'] = geodir_get_ajax_url(); $map_args['latitude'] = $map_default_lat; $map_args['longitude'] = $map_default_lng; $map_args['streetViewControl'] = true; $map_args['maptype'] = $mapview; $map_args['showPreview'] = '0'; $map_args['maxZoom'] = 21; $map_args['bubble_size'] = 'small'; // Add marker cluster if (isset($params['marker_cluster']) && gdsc_to_bool_val($params['marker_cluster']) && defined('GDCLUSTER_VERSION')) { $map_args['enable_marker_cluster'] = true; } else { $map_args['enable_marker_cluster'] = false; } geodir_draw_map($map_args); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } }