Function Reference: geodir_search_form_near_input


This function has not been documented yet.


‘geodir_before_near_input’ [Line: 2465]

‘geodir_after_near_input’ [Line: 2475]


‘geodir_near_input_extra’ [Line: 2427]

‘geodir_search_near_text’ [Line: 2440]

‘geodir_search_default_near_text’ [Line: 2451]

‘geodir_search_near_class’ [Line: 2459]

Source File

geodir_search_form_near_input() is located in geodirectory-functions/custom_functions.php [Line: 2405]

Source Code

function geodir_search_form_near_input() {

	$default_near_text = NEAR_TEXT;
	if ( get_option( 'geodir_near_field_default_text' ) ) {
		$default_near_text = __( get_option( 'geodir_near_field_default_text' ), 'geodirectory' );

	if ( isset( $_REQUEST['snear'] ) && $_REQUEST['snear'] != '' ) {
		$near = esc_attr( stripslashes_deep( $_REQUEST['snear'] ) );
	} else {
		$near = $default_near_text;

	global $geodir_search_post_type;
	$curr_post_type = $geodir_search_post_type;
	 * Used to hide the near field and other things.
	 * @since 1.6.9
	 * @param string $curr_post_type The current post type.
	$near_input_extra = apply_filters('geodir_near_input_extra','',$curr_post_type);

	 * Filter the "Near" text value for the search form.
	 * This is the input "value" attribute and can change depending on what the user searches and is not always the default value.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $near              The current near value.
	 * @param string $default_near_text The default near value.
	$near = apply_filters( 'geodir_search_near_text', $near, $default_near_text );
	 * Filter the default "Near" text value for the search form.
	 * This is the default value if nothing has been searched.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $near              The current near value.
	 * @param string $default_near_text The default near value.
	$default_near_text = apply_filters( 'geodir_search_default_near_text', $default_near_text, $near );
	 * Filter the class for the near search input.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $class The class for the HTML near input, default is blank.
	$near_class = apply_filters( 'geodir_search_near_class', '' );

	$new_style = get_option('geodir_show_search_old_search_from') ? false : true;
		echo "
"; do_action('geodir_before_near_input'); } ?> /> "; } }