Function Reference: geodir_update_markers_oncatedit
Update markers on category Edit.
Global Values
- $wpdb
- (object) (required) WordPress Database object.
- Default: None
- $plugin_prefix
- (string) (required) Geodirectory plugin table prefix.
- Default: None
- $term_id
- (string) (required) The term ID as string.
- Default: None
- $tt_id
- (int) (required) The term taxonomy ID.
- Default: None
- $taxonomy
- (string) (required) The taxonomy slug.
- Default: None
Change Log
Since: 1.0.0
Source File
geodir_update_markers_oncatedit() is located in geodirectory-functions/post_functions.php [Line: 2727]
Source Code
function geodir_update_markers_oncatedit($term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy) { global $plugin_prefix, $wpdb; $gd_taxonomies = geodir_get_taxonomies(); if (is_array($gd_taxonomies) && in_array($taxonomy, $gd_taxonomies)) { $geodir_post_type = geodir_get_taxonomy_posttype($taxonomy); $table = $plugin_prefix . $geodir_post_type . '_detail'; $path_parts = pathinfo($_REQUEST['ct_cat_icon']['src']); $term_icon = $path_parts['dirname'] . '/cat_icon_' . $term_id . '.png'; $posts = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_id,post_title,post_latitude,post_longitude,default_category FROM " . $table . " WHERE FIND_IN_SET(%s,%1\$s ) ", array($term_id, $taxonomy) ) ); if (!empty($posts)): foreach ($posts as $post_obj) { $lat = $post_obj->post_latitude; $lng = $post_obj->post_longitude; $json = '{'; $json .= '"id":"' . $post_obj->post_id . '",'; $json .= '"lat_pos": "' . $lat . '",'; $json .= '"long_pos": "' . $lng . '",'; $json .= '"marker_id":"' . $post_obj->post_id . '_' . $term_id . '",'; $json .= '"icon":"' . $term_icon . '",'; $json .= '"group":"catgroup' . $term_id . '"'; $json .= '}'; if ($post_obj->default_category == $term_id) { $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE " . $table . " SET marker_json = %s where post_id = %d", array($json, $post_obj->post_id) ) ); } $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE " . GEODIR_ICON_TABLE . " SET json = %s WHERE post_id = %d AND cat_id = %d", array($json, $post_obj->post_id, $term_id) ) ); } endif; } }