Function Reference: geodir_upgrade_1618


Change Czech Republic country name to Czechia.

Global Values

(object) (required) WordPress Database object.

Default: None



Return Values


    Change Log

    Since: 1.6.18

    Source File

    geodir_upgrade_1618() is located in upgrade.php [Line: 906]

    Source Code

    function geodir_upgrade_1618() {
        global $wpdb;
        $gd_posttypes = geodir_get_posttypes();
        $default_location = geodir_get_default_location();
        $old_country = 'Czech Republic';
        $old_slug = 'czech-republic';
        $new_country = 'Czechia';
        $new_slug = 'czechia';
        $flush_rewrite_rules = false;
        if (!empty($gd_posttypes) && defined('POST_LOCATION_TABLE')) {        
            // Update locations
            if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE `" . POST_LOCATION_TABLE . "` SET `country` = %s, country_slug = %s WHERE `country` LIKE %s OR country_slug LIKE %s", array($new_country, $new_slug, $old_country, $old_slug)))) {
                $flush_rewrite_rules = true;
            // Update locations seo
            if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE `" . LOCATION_SEO_TABLE . "` SET `country_slug` = %s WHERE country_slug LIKE %s", array($new_slug, $old_slug)))) {
                $flush_rewrite_rules = true;
            // Update term meta
            if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE `" . GEODIR_TERM_META . "` SET `country_slug` = %s WHERE country_slug LIKE %s", array($new_slug, $old_slug)))) {
                $flush_rewrite_rules = true;
            if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE `" . GEODIR_TERM_META . "` SET `location_name` = %s WHERE location_type LIKE 'gd_country' AND location_name LIKE %s", array($new_slug, $old_slug)))) {
                $flush_rewrite_rules = true;
            // Update detail table
            foreach ($gd_posttypes as $pos_type) {
                try {
                    if ($wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->prefix . "geodir_" . $pos_type . "_detail` SET post_country = '" . $new_country . "', post_locations = REPLACE ( post_locations, ',[" . $old_slug . "]', ',[" . $new_slug . "]' ) WHERE post_locations LIKE '%[" . $old_slug . "]' OR post_country LIKE '" . $old_country . "'")) {
                        $flush_rewrite_rules = true;
                } catch(Exception $e) {
                    error_log( 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() );
        if (!empty($default_location) && ((isset($default_location->country) && $default_location->country == $old_country) || (isset($default_location->country_slug) && $default_location->country_slug == $old_slug))) {
            $default_location->country = $new_country;
            $default_location->country_slug = $new_slug;
            update_option('geodir_default_location', $default_location);
            $flush_rewrite_rules = true;
        if ($flush_rewrite_rules) {
        return true;