Function Reference: geodir_wpseo_replacements


This function has not been documented yet.


‘geodir_filter_title_variables_location_arr_seo’ [Line: 4627]

‘geodir_wpseo_replacements_vars’ [Line: 4642]

Source File

geodir_wpseo_replacements() is located in geodirectory-functions/general_functions.php [Line: 4613]

Source Code

function geodir_wpseo_replacements( $vars ) {

	// location variables
	$gd_post_type   = geodir_get_current_posttype();
	$location_array = geodir_get_current_location_terms( 'query_vars', $gd_post_type );
	 * Filter the title variables location variables array
	 * @since   1.5.5
	 * @package GeoDirectory
	 * @param array $location_array The array of location variables.
	 * @param array $vars           The page title variables.
	$location_array  = apply_filters( 'geodir_filter_title_variables_location_arr_seo', $location_array, $vars );

	$location_replace_vars = geodir_location_replace_vars($location_array, NULL, '');
	$vars = $vars + $location_replace_vars;

	 * Filter the title variables after standard ones have been filtered for wpseo.
	 * @since   1.5.7
	 * @package GeoDirectory
	 * @param string $vars          The title with variables.
	 * @param array $location_array The array of location variables.
	return apply_filters( 'geodir_wpseo_replacements_vars', $vars, $location_array );