Function Reference: home_map_taxonomy_walker


Home map Taxonomy walker.

Global Values

(object) (required) GeoDirectory Session object.

Default: None




(string) (required) Name of the taxonomy e. g place_category.

Default: None
(int) (optional) Parent term ID to retrieve its child terms.

Default: 0
(bool) (optional) Do you want to hide the terms that has no posts.

Default: true
(int) (optional) CSS padding value in pixels. e. g: 12 will be considers as 12px.

Default: None
(string) (required) Unique canvas name for your map.

Default: None
(bool) (required) Do you want to collapse child terms by default?.

Default: None
(bool) (optional) Is this a home page map? Default: false.

Default: None

Return Values


    Change Log

    Since: 1.0.0

    1.6.16 Fix: Category are not unticked on page refresh for map post type other than default.

    Source File

    home_map_taxonomy_walker() is located in geodirectory-functions/map-functions/map_functions.php [Line: 208]

    Source Code

    function home_map_taxonomy_walker($cat_taxonomy, $cat_parent = 0, $hide_empty = true, $pading = 0, $map_canvas_name = '', $child_collapse, $is_home_map = false)
        global $cat_count, $geodir_cat_icons, $gd_session;
        $exclude_categories = get_option('geodir_exclude_cat_on_map');
        $exclude_categories_new = get_option('geodir_exclude_cat_on_map_upgrade');
        // check if exclude categories saved before fix of categories identical names
        if ($exclude_categories_new) {
            $gd_cat_taxonomy = isset($cat_taxonomy[0]) ? $cat_taxonomy[0] : '';
            $exclude_categories = !empty($exclude_categories[$gd_cat_taxonomy]) && is_array($exclude_categories[$gd_cat_taxonomy]) ? array_unique($exclude_categories[$gd_cat_taxonomy]) : array();
        $exclude_cat_str = implode(',', $exclude_categories);
        if ($exclude_cat_str == '') {
            $exclude_cat_str = '0';
        $cat_terms = get_terms($cat_taxonomy, array('parent' => $cat_parent, 'exclude' => $exclude_cat_str, 'hide_empty ' => $hide_empty));
        if ($hide_empty) {
            $cat_terms = geodir_filter_empty_terms($cat_terms);
        $main_list_class = '';
        //If there are terms, start displaying
        if (count($cat_terms) > 0) {
            //Displaying as a list
            $p = $pading * 15;
            if ($cat_parent == 0) {
                $list_class = 'main_list';
                $display = '';
            } else {
                $list_class = 'sub_list';
                $display = !$child_collapse ? '' : 'display:none';
            $out = '
      '; $geodir_cat_icons = geodir_get_term_icon(); $geodir_default_map_search_pt = (get_option('geodir_default_map_search_pt')) ? get_option('geodir_default_map_search_pt') : 'gd_place'; if ($is_home_map && $homemap_catlist_ptype = $gd_session->get('homemap_catlist_ptype')) { $geodir_default_map_search_pt = $homemap_catlist_ptype; } $post_type = isset($_REQUEST['post_type']) ? $_REQUEST['post_type'] : (isset($_REQUEST['gd_posttype']) ? $_REQUEST['gd_posttype'] : $geodir_default_map_search_pt); foreach ($cat_terms as $cat_term): $icon = !empty($geodir_cat_icons) && isset($geodir_cat_icons[$cat_term->term_id]) ? $geodir_cat_icons[$cat_term->term_id] : ''; if (!in_array($cat_term->term_id, $exclude_categories)): //Secret sauce. Function calls itself to display child elements, if any $checked = 'checked="checked"'; // Untick the category by default on home map if ($is_home_map && $geodir_home_map_untick = get_option('geodir_home_map_untick')) { if (geodir_wpml_is_taxonomy_translated($post_type . 'category')) { // if WPML global $sitepress; $default_lang = $sitepress->get_default_language(); $term_id = geodir_wpml_object_id($cat_term->term_id, $post_type.'category', true, $default_lang); }else{ $term_id = $cat_term->term_id; } if (!empty($geodir_home_map_untick) && in_array($post_type . '_' . $term_id, $geodir_home_map_untick)) { $checked = ''; } } $term_check = 'name)) . '" value="' . $cat_term->term_id . '" onclick="javascript:build_map_ajax_search_param(\'' . $map_canvas_name . '\',false, this)">'; $term_img = '' . $cat_term->taxonomy . ''; $out .= '
    • ' . $term_check . ''; endif; // get sub category by recursion $out .= home_map_taxonomy_walker($cat_taxonomy, $cat_term->term_id, $hide_empty, $pading, $map_canvas_name, $child_collapse, $is_home_map); $out .= '
    • '; endforeach; $out .= '
    '; return $out; } else { if ($cat_parent == 0) return _e('No category', 'geodirectory'); } return; }