Function Reference: show_listing_widget_map


Send json data to script and show listing map.

Global Values

(array) (required) Listing map data in json format.

Default: None

Change Log

Since: 1.0.0

Source File

show_listing_widget_map() is located in geodirectory-widgets/listing_map_widget.php [Line: 60]

Source Code

function show_listing_widget_map()
    global $list_map_json;

    if (!empty($list_map_json)) {
        $list_map_json = array_unique($list_map_json);
        $cat_content_info[] = implode(',', $list_map_json);

    $totalcount = count(array_unique($list_map_json));

    if (!empty($cat_content_info)) {
        $json_content = substr(implode(',', $cat_content_info), 1);
        $json_content = htmlentities($json_content, ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')); // Quotes in csv title import break maps - FIXED by kiran on 2nd March, 2016
        $json_content = wp_specialchars_decode($json_content); // Fixed #post-320722 on 2016-12-08
        $list_json = '[{"totalcount":"' . $totalcount . '",' . $json_content . ']';
    } else {
        $list_json = '[{"totalcount":"0"}]';

    $listing_map_args = array('list_json' => $list_json);

    // Pass the json data in listing map script
    wp_localize_script('geodir-listing-map-widget', 'listing_map_args', $listing_map_args);
