Function Reference: geodir_location_ajax_handler


Handles ajax request.



Change Log

Since: 1.0.0

Source File

geodir_location_ajax_handler() is located in geodir_location_manager/geodir_location_hooks_actions.php [Line: 1668]

Source Code

function geodir_location_ajax_handler()
 if(isset($_REQUEST['gd_loc_ajax_action']) &&  $_REQUEST['gd_loc_ajax_action'] != '')
		case 'get_location' :
			if(isset($_REQUEST['gd_which_location']) && $_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] != '')
				$city_val = '';
				$region_val = '';
				$country_val = '';
				if(isset($_REQUEST['gd_city_val']) && $_REQUEST['gd_city_val'] != '')
					$city_val =  $_REQUEST['gd_city_val'];
				if(isset($_REQUEST['gd_region_val']) && $_REQUEST['gd_region_val'] != '')
					$region_val =  $_REQUEST['gd_region_val'];
				if(isset($_REQUEST['gd_country_val']) && $_REQUEST['gd_country_val'] != '')
					$country_val =  $_REQUEST['gd_country_val'];
				if(isset($_REQUEST['spage']) && $_REQUEST['spage'] != ''){
					$spage =  $_REQUEST['spage'];}
					else{$spage = '';}
				if(isset($_REQUEST['lscroll']) && $_REQUEST['lscroll'] != ''){
					$no_of_records = '5';  
				}else{$no_of_records = '';}
				$location_args =array(  'what' => $_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] ,
										'city_val' => $city_val, 
										'region_val' => $region_val ,
										'country_val' => $country_val,
										'compare_operator' =>'like' ,
										'country_column_name' => 'country' ,
										'region_column_name' => 'region' ,
										'city_column_name' => 'city' ,
										'location_link_part' => true , 
										'order_by' => ' asc ',
										'no_of_records' => $no_of_records,
										'format' => array('type' => 'array'),
										'spage' => $spage
				$location_array =  geodir_get_location_array($location_args);
				if(isset($_REQUEST['gd_formated_for']) && $_REQUEST['gd_formated_for'] == 'location_switcher')
					$base_location_link = geodir_get_location_link('base');
							$arrow_html = '' ;
							$arrow_html = ' ' ;
						foreach($location_array as $location_item)
							$location_name = $_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] == 'country' ? __( $location_item->$_REQUEST['gd_which_location'], GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN ) : $location_item->$_REQUEST['gd_which_location'];
							echo "
  • " . $location_name . "$arrow_html
  • " ; } } else echo _e("No Results" , GEODIRLOCATION_TEXTDOMAIN); } else print_r($location_array); exit(); } break; case 'fill_location': { $gd_which_location = isset( $_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] ) ? trim( $_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] ) : ''; $term = isset( $_REQUEST['term'] ) ? trim( $_REQUEST['term'] ) : ''; $base_location = geodir_get_location_link( 'base' ); $current_location_array; $selected = ''; $country_val = ''; $region_val = ''; $city_val = ''; $country_val = geodir_get_current_location( array( 'what' => 'country', 'echo' => false ) ); $region_val = geodir_get_current_location( array( 'what' => 'region', 'echo' => false ) ); $city_val = geodir_get_current_location( array( 'what' => 'city', 'echo' => false ) ); $item_set_selected = false; if(isset($_REQUEST['spage']) && $_REQUEST['spage'] != ''){ $spage = $_REQUEST['spage'];} else{$spage = '';} if(isset($_REQUEST['lscroll']) && $_REQUEST['lscroll'] != ''){ $no_of_records = '5'; }else{$no_of_records = '';} $location_switcher_list_mode = get_option( 'geodir_location_switcher_list_mode' ); if( empty( $location_switcher_list_mode ) ) { $location_switcher_list_mode = 'drill'; } if( $location_switcher_list_mode == 'drill' ) { $args = array( 'what' => $gd_which_location, 'country_val' => ( strtolower( $gd_which_location ) == 'region' || strtolower( $gd_which_location ) =='city' ) ? $country_val : '', 'region_val' => ( strtolower( $gd_which_location ) == 'city' ) ? $region_val : '', 'echo' => false, 'no_of_records' => $no_of_records, 'format' => array('type' => 'array'), 'spage' => $spage ); } else { $args = array( 'what' => $gd_which_location , 'echo' => false, 'no_of_records' => $no_of_records, 'format' => array('type' => 'array'), 'spage' => $spage ); } if( $term != '' ) { if( $gd_which_location == 'city' ) { $args['city_val'] = $term; } if( $gd_which_location == 'region' ) { $args['region_val'] = $term; } if( $gd_which_location == 'country' ) { $args['country_val'] = $term; } } else { if( $gd_which_location == 'country' && $country_val != '' ) { $args_current_location = array( 'what' => $gd_which_location, 'country_val' => $country_val, 'compare_operator' => '=', 'no_of_records' => '1', 'echo' => false, 'format' => array( 'type' => 'array' ) ); $current_location_array = geodir_get_location_array( $args_current_location, true ); } if( $gd_which_location == 'region' && $region_val != '' ) { $args_current_location = array( 'what' => $gd_which_location, 'country_val' => $country_val, 'region_val' => $region_val, 'compare_operator' => '=', 'no_of_records' => '1', 'echo' => false, 'format' => array( 'type' => 'array' ) ); $current_location_array = geodir_get_location_array( $args_current_location, true ); } if( $gd_which_location == 'city' && $city_val != '' ) { $args_current_location = array( 'what' => $gd_which_location, 'country_val' => $country_val, 'region_val' =>$region_val, 'city_val' => $city_val, 'compare_operator' => '=', 'no_of_records' => '1', 'echo' => false, 'format'=> array( 'type' => 'array' ) ); $current_location_array = geodir_get_location_array( $args_current_location, true ); } // if not searching then set to get exact matches $args['compare_operator']='in'; } $location_array = geodir_get_location_array( $args, true ); // get country val in case of country search to get selected option if( get_option( 'geodir_everywhere_in_' . $gd_which_location . '_dropdown' ) && !isset($_REQUEST['lscroll']) ) { echo ''; } $selected = '' ; $loc_echo = ''; if( !empty( $location_array ) ) { foreach( $location_array as $locations ) { $selected = '' ; $with_parent = isset( $locations->label ) ? true : false; switch( $gd_which_location ) { case 'country': if( strtolower( $country_val ) == strtolower( $locations->country ) ) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } $locations->country = __( $locations->country, GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN ); break; case 'region': $country_iso2 = geodir_location_get_iso2( $country_val ); $country_iso2 = $country_iso2 != '' ? $country_iso2 : $country_val; $with_parent = $with_parent && strtolower( $region_val . ', ' . $country_iso2 ) == strtolower( $locations->label ) ? true : false; if( strtolower( $region_val ) == strtolower( $locations->region ) || $with_parent ) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } break; case 'city': $with_parent = $with_parent && strtolower( $city_val . ', ' . $region_val ) == strtolower( $locations->label ) ? true : false; if( strtolower( $city_val ) == strtolower( $locations->city ) || $with_parent ) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } break; } echo ''; if( !$item_set_selected && $selected != '' ) { $item_set_selected = true; } } } if( !empty( $current_location_array ) && !$item_set_selected && !isset($_REQUEST['lscroll'])) { foreach( $current_location_array as $current_location ) { $selected = '' ; $with_parent = isset( $current_location->label ) ? true : false; switch( $gd_which_location ) { case 'country': if( strtolower( $country_val ) == strtolower( $current_location->country ) ) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } $current_location->country = __( $current_location->country, GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN ); break; case 'region': $country_iso2 = geodir_location_get_iso2( $country_val ); $country_iso2 = $country_iso2 != '' ? $country_iso2 : $country_val; $with_parent = $with_parent && strtolower( $region_val . ', ' . $country_iso2 ) == strtolower( $current_location->label ) ? true : false; if( strtolower( $region_val ) == strtolower( $current_location->region ) || $with_parent ) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } break; case 'city': $with_parent = $with_parent && strtolower( $city_val . ', ' . $region_val ) == strtolower( $current_location->label ) ? true : false; if( strtolower( $city_val ) == strtolower( $current_location->city ) || $with_parent ) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } break; } echo ''; } } exit; } break; case 'fill_location_on_add_listing' : $selected = '' ; $country_val=(isset($_REQUEST['country_val']) ) ? $_REQUEST['country_val'] : ''; $region_val=(isset($_REQUEST['region_val']) ) ? $_REQUEST['region_val'] : ''; $city_val =(isset($_REQUEST['city_val']) ) ? $_REQUEST['city_val'] : ''; $compare_operator =(isset($_REQUEST['compare_operator']) ) ? $_REQUEST['compare_operator'] : '='; if(isset($_REQUEST['term']) && $_REQUEST['term']!='') { if($_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] =='region') { $region_val = $_REQUEST['term']; $city_val = ''; } else if($_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] =='city') { $city_val = $_REQUEST['term']; } } if($_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] !='neighbourhood') { $args=array( 'what'=>$_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] , 'country_val' => (strtolower($_REQUEST['gd_which_location'])=='region' || strtolower($_REQUEST['gd_which_location'])=='city') ? $country_val : '', 'region_val' =>$region_val , 'city_val' =>$city_val , 'echo' => false, 'compare_operator' => $compare_operator, 'format'=> array('type'=>'array') ); $location_array= geodir_get_location_array($args); } else { geodir_get_neighbourhoods_dl($city_val) ; exit(); } // get country val in case of country search to get selected option if($_REQUEST['gd_which_location']=='region') echo ''; else echo ''; if(!empty($location_array)) { foreach( $location_array as $locations) { $selected = '' ; switch($_REQUEST['gd_which_location'] ) { case 'country': if(strtolower($country_val)== strtolower($locations->country)) $selected=" selected='selected' "; break; case 'region': if(strtolower($region_val)== strtolower($locations->region)) $selected=" selected='selected' "; break; case 'city': if(strtolower($city_val)== strtolower($locations->city)) $selected=" selected='selected' "; break; } echo '' ; } } else { if(isset($_REQUEST['term']) && $_REQUEST['term']!='') echo '' ; } exit(); break; } } }