Function Reference: geodir_payment_general_options


This function has not been documented yet.


‘payment_invoice_options’ [Line: 908]

Used by

geodir_payment_manager/geodir_payment_functions.php: geodir_payment_general_options() [Line: 915]

Source Code

function geodir_payment_general_options($arr=array())

	$arr[] = array( 'name' => __( 'General Options', 'geodir_payments' ), 'type' => 'no_tabs', 'desc' => '', 'id' => 'payment_emails' );
	$arr[] = array( 'name' => __( 'Listing expiration settings', 'geodir_payments' ), 'type' => 'sectionstart', 'id' => 'expiration_settings_options');
	$arr[] = array(  
		'name' => __( 'Enable expiry process?', 'geodir_payments' ),
		'desc' 		=> sprintf(__( ' Enable expiry process? (untick to disable) If you disable this option, none of the place listings will expire in future.', 'geodir_payments' )),
		'id' 		=> 'geodir_listing_expiry',
		'std' 		=> '1',
		'type' 		=> 'checkbox',
		'checkboxgroup'	=> 'start'
	$arr[] = array(  
		'name' => '',
		'desc' 		=> __( 'Select the listing status after the place listing expires.', 'geodir_payments' ),
		'tip' 		=> '',
		'id' 		=> 'geodir_listing_ex_status',
		'css' 		=> 'min-width:200px;',
		'std' 		=> 'draft',
		'type' 		=> 'select',
		'class'		=> 'chosen_select',
		'options' => array_unique( array( 
			'draft' => __( 'draft', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'publish' => __( 'publish', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'trash' => __( 'trash', 'geodir_payments' ),
	$arr[] = array(  
			'name'  => __( 'Enable pre expiry notification to author?', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'desc' 	=> __('Enable pre expiry notification to author? (untick to disable) If you disable the option, pre expiry email notification will stop.', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'id' 	=> 'geodir_listing_preexpiry_notice_disable',
			'type' 	=> 'checkbox',
			'std' 	=> '1' ,// Default value to show home top section
	$arr[] = array(  
			'name' => __( 'Enable pre expiry notice days', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'desc' 		=> __( 'Select number of days before pre expiry notification email will be sent.', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'id' 		=> 'geodir_listing_preexpiry_notice_days',
			'css' 		=> 'min-width:200px;',
			'std' 		=> '5',
			'type' 		=> 'select',
			'class'		=> 'chosen_select',
			'options' => geodir_payment_pre_expiry_notification_days()
	$arr[] = array(  
			'name'  => __( 'Display expire date to author in dashboard listings?', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'desc' 	=> __( 'Display expire date to author in dashboard listings? If you tick the option, listing expire date will be displayed to listing author in dashboard listings.', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'id' 	=> 'geodir_payment_expire_date_on_listing',
			'type' 	=> 'checkbox',
			'std' 	=> '0' ,// Default value to show home top section
	$arr[] = array(  
			'name'  => __( 'Display expire date to author in listing detail sidebar?', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'desc' 	=> __( 'Display expire date to author in listing detail sidebar? If you tick the option, listing expire date will be displayed to listing author in listing detail sidebar.', 'geodir_payments' ),
			'id' 	=> 'geodir_payment_expire_date_on_detail',
			'type' 	=> 'checkbox',
			'std' 	=> '0' ,// Default value to show home top section

	$arr[] = array( 'type' => 'sectionend', 'id' => 'expiration_settings_options');
	$arr[] = array( 'name' => __( 'Geo Directory Manage Currency', 'geodir_payments' ), 'type' => 'sectionstart', 'id' => 'payment_general_options');
	$arr[] = array(  
		'name' => __( 'Default Currency (Ex.: USD)', 'geodir_payments' ),
		'desc' 		=> '',
		'id' 		=> 'geodir_currency',
		'type' 		=> 'text',
		'css' 		=> 'min-width:200px;',
		'std' 		=> __('USD', 'geodir_payments')
	$arr[] = array(  
		'name' => __( 'Default Currency Symbol (Ex.: $)', 'geodir_payments' ),
		'desc' 		=> '',
		'id' 		=> 'geodir_currencysym',
		'type' 		=> 'text',
		'css' 		=> 'min-width:200px;',
		'std' 		=> __('$', 'geodir_payments')
	$currency_symbol = geodir_get_currency_sym();
	$arr[] = array(
				'name' => __( 'Currency Position', 'geodir_payments' ),
				'desc' => __( 'This controls the position of the currency symbol.', 'geodir_payments' ),
				'id' => 'geodir_payment_currency_position',
				'css' => 'min-width:200px;',
				'std' => 'left',
				'type' => 'select',
				'class' => 'chosen_select',
				'options' => array(
								'left' => wp_sprintf(__('Left (%s99.99)', 'geodir_payments'), $currency_symbol),
								'right' => wp_sprintf(__('Right (99.99%s)', 'geodir_payments'), $currency_symbol),
								'left_space' => wp_sprintf(__('Left with space (%s 99.99)', 'geodir_payments'), $currency_symbol),
								'right_space' => wp_sprintf(__('Right with space (99.99 %s)', 'geodir_payments'), $currency_symbol)
	$arr[] = array( 'type' => 'sectionend', 'id' => 'payment_general_options');
	$arr[] = array( 'name' => __( 'Payment Invoice Settings', 'geodir_payments' ), 'type' => 'sectionstart', 'id' => 'payment_invoice_options');
	$arr[] = array(  
		'name' => __( 'Minimum digits for the custom invoice id', 'geodir_payments' ),
		'desc' 		=> __( 'Number between 0 to 20. If the invoice id has less digits than this number, it is left padded with 0s.Ex: invoice id 108 will padded to 00108 if digits set to 5. The default 0 means no padding.', 'geodir_payments' ),
		'id' 		=> 'geodir_payment_invoice_threshold',
		'type' 		=> 'text',
		'css' 		=> 'min-width:200px;',
		'std' 		=> '',
		'placeholder' => __( 'Ex: 5', 'geodir_payments' )
	$arr[] = array(  
		'name' => __( 'Display Invoice ID Prefix', 'geodir_payments' ),
		'desc' 		=> __( 'Prefix will be added before invoice id to customize. Ex: GD-00108 or GD-INV-108 (mexlength upto 10 chars)', 'geodir_payments' ),
		'id' 		=> 'geodir_payment_invoice_prefix',
		'type' 		=> 'text',
		'css' 		=> 'min-width:200px;',
		'std' 		=> '',
		'placeholder' => __( 'Ex: GD-', 'geodir_payments' )
	$arr[] = array( 'type' => 'sectionend', 'id' => 'payment_general_options');
	$arr = apply_filters('payment_invoice_options' ,$arr );
	return $arr;