Customizing my plugin

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 2 months ago.

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    Nicole Andrews
    Post count: 3

    Hi there,

    I’m using your free plugin, and have only just started getting it set up and have a few things I’d like to change in it, which I don’t seem to have control over. I’m just wondering if you can help?

    1) I’ve set the default location because I read that the plugin will not work correctly without doing this. However, I want my users to be able to submit a listing for any place in the world and not just that one city, which it’s currently restricting me to. Is there a way to allow this?

    2) Is there a way to have more control over the tabs (i.e. profile, more info, photos, ratings tabs)? My site is a restaurant review website, and I’d like to have the option to rename the tabs, plus possibly delete the ‘profile tab’, and to require a user to submit the first rating at the same time as creating a place. The review should then be the top tab that displays when a user clicks on the place listing. I can’t see how to do any of this.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    1) the free plugin allows to create a directory for a single location (city/town/village), you can extend that with the location manager add-on:

    2) You can rename the tabs if using the custom post type add-on. You can also use a code snippet to do so, without the add-on and that will also allow you to re-order the tabs.

    You can find the tutorial here:



    Nicole Andrews
    Post count: 3

    Thank you.

    If I were to go with the Whoop theme (which is still an option I’m strongly considering), I’m able to do the multi locations and have control over tabs and such, is that right?

    Also, just wondering if I purchase the location manager, and I later decide I want to upgrade to the Whoop theme, would I be able to get a refund on the plugin or like just pay the difference for the upgrade? Is that an option?

    Also are all geodirectory plugins and themes responsive?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    Whoop is a theme and while it adds few features, it doesn’t change the way GeoDIrectory works.

    Whoop and the Location manager are 2 different products, Whoop doesn’t come bundled with it.

    Yes everything is responsive.



    Nicole Andrews
    Post count: 3

    Hi Paolo,

    Wow, you are fast at responses!

    Ok, so if I get the Whoop theme I’d still need the location manager to make the multi-site option work?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 21

    @Nicole If you want multi locations (Paris, London, etc…) then yes, you need the location manager as I found out myself yesterday. 😉


    Nicole Andrews
    Post count: 3

    I’ve gone ahead and purchased the multi-reviews addon and I’d like to customise it a bit further:

    1) When viewing the “review” tab, I want to be able to see the full comments, start ratings and uploaded photos without first clicking “read more.” Is there a way to default the read more to be open?

    2) I have three multi-ratings set up; is there a way to make the average of these three ratings automatically become the “overall” rating? I like that the overall rating is displayed, but I don’t want to make people have to then choose an overall rating when they’ve already entered in 3 other ratings.

    3) Can the multi-ratings be displayed under grid/list view and not just when viewing the comments? I want them to be prominent.

    4) When someone uploads a photo to the comment section (i.e. uploads a photo with their review), I’d like that photo to then go into the pile of photos in that listing’s gallery. Is this a possibility?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    1) please see:

    2) that is not possible, the overall is your overall rating and the multiratings will not be the avarage of the overall rating. This would require a complex customization

    3) Not possible without a customization too

    4) Reviews pictures are not added to the main gallery. That would require a major customization too.


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