
This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly

This post will tell you how to fix the “This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.” problem with Google Maps.

If you are using GeoDirectory please see our documentation here.

If you want to read about the problem see our blog post here:

If you have seen the message “This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.” or any of the following messages:
“Esta página no ha cargado Google Maps correctamente.”
“Google Maps ne s’est pas chargé correctement sur cette page.”
“Google Maps non è stata caricata correttamente.”
“Google Maps wurde auf dieser Seite nicht richtig geladen.”
“При загрузке Google Карт на этой странице возникла проблема.”

The chances are you need this fix, if you are using WordPress then we have created a plugin that should fix this for most users who’s plugin or theme is causing this, you can find it here: GOOGLE MAPS API KEY FIX

If you are not using WordPress you will need to find your call to google maps in your source code and add the api key, you can find instruction on creating an API Key here. Once you have your API key you add it to your call to the Google maps file

I hope you found this useful, feedback is always welcome.

The GeoDirectory Team.