
Translation of Payment Manager: Spanish (Mexico)

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This is a preview of your listing, it has not been updated yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to upgrade the listing then click on "Checkout to Upgrade Now".<br> You are going to pay <b>%s</b> & alive days are <b>%s</b> as %s listing. Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea actualizar el anuncio, haga clic en "Finalizar pedido para actualizar ahora".<br> Usted va a pagar <b>%s</b> días activos son <b>%s</b> como %s anuncio. Details

This is a preview of your listing, it has not been updated yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to upgrade the listing then click on "Checkout to Upgrade Now".<br> You are going to pay <b>%s</b> & alive days are <b>%s</b> as %s listing.

Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea actualizar el anuncio, haga clic en "Finalizar pedido para actualizar ahora".<br> Usted va a pagar <b>%s</b> días activos son <b>%s</b> como %s anuncio.

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Date added:
2017-05-10 01:56:06 GMT
Translated by:
Tania Perez (tperez)
Last updated by:
Stiofan O'Connor (stiofan)
  • geodir_payment_actions.php:314
Priority of the original:
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This is a preview of your listing, it has not been updated yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to renew the listing then click on "Checkout to Renew Now".<br> You are going to pay <b>%s</b> & alive days are <b>%s</b> as %s listing. Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea renovar el anuncio, haga clic en "Finalizar pedido para renovar ahora".<br> Usted va a pagar <b>%s</b> días activos son <b>%s</b> como %s anuncio. Details

This is a preview of your listing, it has not been updated yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to renew the listing then click on "Checkout to Renew Now".<br> You are going to pay <b>%s</b> & alive days are <b>%s</b> as %s listing.

Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea renovar el anuncio, haga clic en "Finalizar pedido para renovar ahora".<br> Usted va a pagar <b>%s</b> días activos son <b>%s</b> como %s anuncio.

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Date added:
2017-05-10 01:58:08 GMT
Translated by:
Tania Perez (tperez)
Last updated by:
Stiofan O'Connor (stiofan)
  • geodir_payment_actions.php:310
Priority of the original:
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This is a preview of your listing, it has not been published yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to add the listing then click on "Confirm Preview & Go to Checkout".<br> You are going to pay <b>%s</b> & alive days are <b>%s</b> as %s listing. Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea añadir el anuncio, haga clic en "Confirmar Vista Previa & Finalice el Pedido".<br> Usted va a pagar <b>%s</b> días activos son <b>%s</b> como %s anuncio. Details

This is a preview of your listing, it has not been published yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to add the listing then click on "Confirm Preview & Go to Checkout".<br> You are going to pay <b>%s</b> & alive days are <b>%s</b> as %s listing.

Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea añadir el anuncio, haga clic en "Confirmar Vista Previa & Finalice el Pedido".<br> Usted va a pagar <b>%s</b> días activos son <b>%s</b> como %s anuncio.

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Date added:
2017-05-10 01:59:29 GMT
Translated by:
Tania Perez (tperez)
Last updated by:
Stiofan O'Connor (stiofan)
  • geodir_payment_actions.php:305
Priority of the original:
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This is a preview of your listing, it has not been updated yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to update the listing then click on "Update Now". Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea actualizar el anuncio haga clic en "Actualizar ahora". Details

This is a preview of your listing, it has not been updated yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to update the listing then click on "Update Now".

Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea actualizar el anuncio haga clic en "Actualizar ahora".

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Date added:
2017-05-10 02:00:05 GMT
Translated by:
Tania Perez (tperez)
Last updated by:
Stiofan O'Connor (stiofan)
  • geodir_payment_actions.php:301
Priority of the original:
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or Cancel
This is a preview of your listing, it has not been updated yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to renew the listing then click on "Publish & Renew Now". Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea renovar el anuncio haga clic en "Publicar & Renovar ahora". Details

This is a preview of your listing, it has not been updated yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go Back and Edit" or if you want to renew the listing then click on "Publish & Renew Now".

Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea renovar el anuncio haga clic en "Publicar & Renovar ahora".

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Date added:
2017-05-10 02:00:40 GMT
Translated by:
Tania Perez (tperez)
Last updated by:
Stiofan O'Connor (stiofan)
  • geodir_payment_actions.php:297
Priority of the original:
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or Cancel
This is a preview of your listing, it has not been published yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go back and edit" or if you want to add the listing then click on "Publish". Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea actualizar el anuncio haga clic en "Publicar". Details

This is a preview of your listing, it has not been published yet. <br />If there is something wrong then "Go back and edit" or if you want to add the listing then click on "Publish".

Esta es una vista previa de su anuncio y no está actualizado todavía. <br />Si hay algo mal "Vuelva atrás y edite" o si desea actualizar el anuncio haga clic en "Publicar".

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Date added:
2017-05-10 02:01:17 GMT
Translated by:
Tania Perez (tperez)
Last updated by:
Stiofan O'Connor (stiofan)
  • geodir_payment_actions.php:270
Priority of the original:
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<p>Thanks. The listing has been submitted successfully.</p><p>In order to publish the listing, kindly transfer amount of <u>[#order_amt#] </u> in our bank. Our bank account details are mentioned below.</p><p>Bank Name : [#bank_name#]</p><p>Account Number : [#account_number#]</p><br><p>Please include the following reference : [#orderId#]</p><p><a href="[#submited_listing_link#]" >View your submitted listing &raquo;</a></p><br><p>Thanks for listing your listing at [#store_name#].</p> <p>Gracias. El anuncio ha sido sometido con éxito. </p><p> Para publicar el anuncio, por favor transfiera la cantidad de <u>[#$order_amt#] </u> a nuestro banco. Nuestros detalles de cuenta de banco se encuentran abajo.</p><p>Nombre de Banco: [#$bank_name#]</p><p>Numero de Cuenta: [#$account_number#]</p><br><p>Por favor incluya la referencia siguiente:[#$orderId#]</p><p><a href="[#$submited_listing_link#]" >Ver su anuncio &raquo;</a></p><br><p>Gracias por publicar su anuncio en [#$store_name#].</p> Details

<p>Thanks. The listing has been submitted successfully.</p><p>In order to publish the listing, kindly transfer amount of <u>[#order_amt#] </u> in our bank. Our bank account details are mentioned below.</p><p>Bank Name : [#bank_name#]</p><p>Account Number : [#account_number#]</p><br><p>Please include the following reference : [#orderId#]</p><p><a href="[#submited_listing_link#]" >View your submitted listing &raquo;</a></p><br><p>Thanks for listing your listing at [#store_name#].</p>

<p>Gracias. El anuncio ha sido sometido con éxito. </p><p> Para publicar el anuncio, por favor transfiera la cantidad de <u>[#$order_amt#] </u> a nuestro banco. Nuestros detalles de cuenta de banco se encuentran abajo.</p><p>Nombre de Banco: [#$bank_name#]</p><p>Numero de Cuenta: [#$account_number#]</p><br><p>Por favor incluya la referencia siguiente:[#$orderId#]</p><p><a href="[#$submited_listing_link#]" >Ver su anuncio &raquo;</a></p><br><p>Gracias por publicar su anuncio en [#$store_name#].</p>

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Date added:
2016-04-14 02:11:36 GMT
Translated by:
Denisse Trevizo (denisseelisa)
Last updated by:
Stiofan O'Connor (stiofan)
  • language.php:209
Priority of the original:
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with warnings

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