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Sorry for the late response (been working on another project). I didn’t realize that it would pull the order from the DB. I have added the random sort third in list and set as the default, and that seems to work. Now the UX guy is starting work, so I’m sure it will all change.
See attached screen shot – yellow at the top is the bottom of the featured, then the next listings are alphabetical W-V-T etc.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Ok, I see the logic in that. But the other part of my question: the listings shown after the featured listing are displayed in reverse alphabetical order (Z > A). Even though the third sort option is random. How do I gt them to be random rather than alphabetical? Same with the ratings sort – does not seem to have any effect on the sort.
I see that in the listings, the featured is at the top, but the ratings are not applied and the listings after the featured are in reverse alphabetical order. Even though the sort option is random.
For the featured in the search results, under what circumstances/distance will the featured items be shown? Is there a distance from the search area? Where are the settings specific to the distance? This is very important as the featured will be paid listings and they need to be shown where ever we need them. It’s the money maker!
I’ve flipped the new review form to the top of the page and that works well. Guess I’ll see if I can put it on a stand alone page.
Thanks. Guess I was over thinking the form requirements.
This reply has been marked as private.Actually I had already tried that, but it is not sending the search query. Times out. I added in all the JS links and CSS but no luck. Seems to just go into an endless loop.
The action is
but I would have thought it needs an actual file defined, like ../search.php
Thanks Guust. That worked.
Thanks. Figured that would be the answer. One other search question. I was looking for the php code for the search form. I see lots of short codes and js.
I want to add a search box to a page on the server, but it is outside the wordpress configuration, so I need to post the search request to somewhere inside GD, but I’m not seeing any php file that receives the post. Can I do this? Or must all requests be from within the WPGD structure.
Sorry, just saw this message. I couldn’t get the Whoop theme to do what I wanted so I took the bits I needed and put them into the modern them and so far so good. But it is primarily the MOdern
Perfect. Missed that line.
Yes, I was able to modify the details page. Added an extra content box at the top. -