MultiRatings and Reviews2.3.4

Extended categorized ratings


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MultiRatings and Reviews

Custom review fields and much much more

With our slick multi-ratings and reviews manager, you can turn your site into a professional reviews directory. No hassle!

In a process similar to that used by TripAdvisor, visitors rate the overall performance for each business, then fine-tune their rating with as many individual ratings – multi-ratings – as you choose.

Multi-ratings make for better reviews

Quality, price, cleanliness, friendliness – there is no limit to the criteria you can apply. As a result, reviewers can add a new level of detail to their reviews, and users are much better able to form an opinion.

  • Unlimited review options make it easy for users to give incredibly detailed reviews.
  • Customizable strings for each rating item let you explain what the score represents; Terrible, Poor, Average, Very Good, Excellent.
  • Customizable rating inputs let you use Font Awesome icons, custom images, or a simple select dropdown to set rating scores.
  • Set different ratings and reviews options for each post type and its categories. For example, you can assign “room service” score to categories such as Hotels but leave it off categories such as Camp Sites.
  • No half star limitations for rating outputs, our percentage bases background fill means the score indicated is exact and not limited to half stars.

Multi-rating styles

Entirely customizable rating styles

Set every aspect of the rating input to perfectly match the look and feel of your directory.  

  • Icon, image, or select dropdown for rating inputs let you show inputs exactly how you want.
  • 1500+ Font Awesome 5 icons mean you can quickly create a rating style for any scenario.
  • Foreground and background color options mean your ratings will look good anywhere.
  • Custom rating scores; 3 stars, 5 stars, 10 stars, or anything in between. Set specific score numbers per rating item for complete rating control. Also, each score number rating text is customizable.

GeoDirectory multi-ratings and reviews

Level up your directory with our advanced rating features

Take your ratings to the next level with all the advanced rating features of Yelp or TripAdvisor. Below are some of the advanced features than can be turned on or off.

  • Image uploads (multiple) let reviewers not only write about their experience but also show it to the world.
  • Rate reviews, users can rate reviews to mark them helpful or not.
  • Set image limits on rating; 1, 3, 5, or 10, you decide how many images users can upload with their review.
  • Image titles and captions let users share even more details about their reviews and also boost listing SEO.
  • Owner replies are clearly marked and give that extra layer of interaction from listing owners or management. 
  • User images anywhere, not only will user images show on their review, but our “post images” widget can do much more. For example, set the main gallery to show the latest user images or keep them separate. For instance, display them as an image slider or image grid with a lightbox. The possibilities are endless.
  • Review sort options give the user the option to sort ratings by such options as; Latest, Oldest, Highest ratings, Lowest ratings, and by the number of user-uploaded images.

review owner reply
user review captions

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