Free Core Plugin – Build a Directory of your city

Location Manager for directories covering more than 1 city available
Directory Theme, Page Builder

Works with any Theme or Page Builder

Easy Customisation
As easy as editing a WP page, as that's how you do it!
Widgets, Shortcodes & Blocks
Customize the design easily, all features available in any format.
Page Builders
Customize with Elementor, Divi, Avada's Fusion Builder,Beaver Builder, Site Origin and many more.
If you prefer you can customize the PHP templates directly in your child theme.

Bursting with Design Features

40+ Widgets, Shortcodes & Blocks
Show Maps, Categories, Listings, Recently Viewed, Business Hours, Reviews, Add Listings, Search Form and much more!
Customize without Code
Easily customize how listings, searches and single listings look, add or edit any element using shortcodes, widgets or blocks.
Frontend Add Listing
Allow users to add and edit their listing via our frontend form.
Drag & Drop Tab Builder
Reorder listings page tabs with drag & drop. Easily add custom tabs and content.
Directory Design Features
Directory Free Advanced Features

Free Advanced Features!

Business Hours
Add business hours to any listing and show when open or close, live status and works with any caching system (unlike our competitors)
Search by Proximity
Search by zip code or location name to order listing by distance to that location, show the distance and even provide directions.
Ratings & Reviews
Fully customizable, colors, rating image or Font Awesome Icon, let users rate listings and then sort listings by ratings.
Drag & Drop Custom Fields
Adding or editing custom fields is easy with our Drag & Drop system.
Advanced Sorting Options
Add custom sorting options via our drag & drop system, letting you create custom sort orders based on custom fields, Stack child fields under the main option for secondary sorting.

Badges for any Custom Fields

Our unique badge system lets you add dynamic badges to listings depending on the value of custom fields. Below are some examples. MUCH MORE IS POSSIBLE.

Show New badge on listing less than 30 days old (or X amount of days).
Show Featured badge on selected listings (can be automated with pricing packages addon).
Show Recently Updated badge on listings that have been edited recently.
Social Links
Show Social links with nice icons:
Show Features with counts
5 2
Show Videos in Lightboxes
(Click me)
Directory Badge Features
Ninja Forms Contact forms

Unlimited Contact Forms with Ninja Forms Integration

We tested every popular contact form builder and were most impressed with Ninja Forms (and its free!).

Pre Built Templates
We provide Contact and Claim listing templates that can be created in one click.
Easy Form Building
With Ninja Forms you can create any type of contact form, from simple to advanced booking forms.
Multiple Forms
Have as many forms as you need on your listings.
Advanced Integrations
With Ninja Forms you can integrate contact form actions into many other CRMs.

SEO, Permalinks, RTL and Translations

Optmized for SEO and with amazing permalinks options, GeoDirectory can be easily localized.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
We have built-in integrations with both Yoast, SEOPress and RankMath SEO plugins.
We have the most advanced and flexible permalink options available as well as automatic redirects should you alter them.
RTL (Right to Left)
GeoDirectory is fully compatible with RTL languages.
100% Translatable and fully compatible with WPML multilanguage plugin.
Directory SEO Features
Professional Directory Features

Professional Code & Professional Features

We have been making directory software since 2008!

Designed to Scale
GeoDirectory can Scale infinitely thanks to the optimized custom database tables. Maps never freeze thanks to built in cache and specially compressed AJAX marker calls.
Secure Code
Coded following WP best practices, we run several automated and manual security tests before each release for your peace of mind.
CSV Import / Export / Edit
Import categories, listings, settings and reviews via a CSV file. What can be imported can be also exported. Importing listings can also be used to edit existing listings in bulk. (WP All Import add-on also available)
Front End Google Analytics
Gone are the days of the "hit counter" now with GeoDirectory you can give listing owners (or anyone) access to their own page Google analytics!
Multisite Compatible
GeoDirectory is compatible with WordPress Multisite to create networks of Directories.

Developer Friendly

Our system is built to be extended, we have a huge amount of hooks and filters and if one is missing we will add it for you.

Hooks & Filters
All our code is built to be extended with many hooks and filters.
Clean Code
Almost all of our code is properly DocBlocked to WordPress standards meaning you can pick it up quickly and easily.
Small Learning Curve
We have done the hard work so things like adding or editing listings can be done via the standard WordPres functions, just $_POST the exra info and GeoDirectory will pick it up and do the rest.
API Calls
Just about anything can be done via our API, ideal for a headless directory website or app.
Developer Features

Extend the Core Functionality with our Addons

Location Manager - Go Global

The core plugin lets you add listings to one city, the Location Manager lets you add listings anywhere.

Go Global or Go Local
Enable global listings or limit them to specific Countries, Regions or Cities.
Location Filtering
Browse listings Globally or by Country, Region, City or Neighbourhood. Admin can enable or disable any location types.
Need more specific than just a city then Neighbourhood will let you browse listings from places like NYC, China Town.
Near Me
Browse listings near your location or any location, ordered by distance to that location.
Smart Location Adding
No need to pre add any locations, our system will automatically add locations from the users listings. Use Location autocompleter in the add listing form.
Smart Location Filtering
When you first open up the location switcher it will suggest locations by proximity to your current location.
Location Manager - Go Global or Go Local
Pricing Manager Features

Pricing Manager - Monetize your Directory

GetPaid or WooCommerce
Pricing Manager is compatible with our own GetPaid plugin or WooCommerce for taking payments.
EU VAT Compliance
If using our own GetPaid plugin your system can be fully EU Vat Compliant for digital goods sales.
Pricing Packages
Create pricing packages with features limited to the price, give featured listings a bump in ranking position. Exclude or Limit fields, limit images, categories or tag counts.
Free Trials
Give your users the peace of mind of a free trial period before they are charged.
Recurring Payments
Make price packages recurring and forget about the hassle of chasing up renewals each year.
Upgrades / Downgrades
Allow users to upgrade their listings to better price packages, or set specific price packages to downgrade to another on expire (back to a free package).

Events Manager

Display Events
Output events with all the same flexibility as any core listing type.
Recurring Events
Enable recurring events in a smart way, recurring daily, weekly, monthly, annual or with completely custom dates. (feature can be limited per price package)
Sort Events
Sort events by selecting “upcoming”, “today”, “past” or “all” and display custom events lists, grids and an Events Calendar anywhere using shortcodes, widgets or blocks.
Link Events to Places
Let users link their events to places (or venues) and all events linked to a place will show in a tab and a link can be show to the place on the events page.
Multiple Event Types
When combined with our CPT addon you can set any CPT to support events meaning you can create completely separate event types.
Import events from Facebook
When combined with our Social Importer addon your users can import their events from facebook.
Events Directory Manager
Directory Custom Post Types

Custom Post Types - Mix it up

With the Custom Post Types (CPT) add-on, you are no longer limited to the default “places” listing type.

Unlimited CPTs
Create as many new CPTs as you need all with their own Categories, Tags, Price Packages, Fields and Settings.
Multiple Directory Types
Real Estate listings, Classifieds, Job listings, Hotels, Restaurants and also online listings without address.
Set a CPT to be "locationless" for online or directory types that do not require an address.
Linked CPTs
Custom post types can be linked to each other. For example the Custom post type doctor links with the Custom post type hospital. Each doctor can be linked to the hospitals where he works.
Event Types
With our Events add-on installed, listings from any post type can be Events listings.
Events and Venues
Events too can be linked to other Events or to listings from any post type. An example can be an event listing linked to a venue listing (event + place). Another example could be Gigs Event listings linked to a Festival Event Listing (event + event).

Advanced Search

Multiple Field Searches
Filter search by multiple custom fields. “Pet-friendly with free WiFi within 10 miles of me?” This add-on has you covered.
Add's near me button to share geo position.
Simply Clicking in the search bar will give you Category Suggestions, then when typing both Category and Individual Listings will be suggested via AJAX.
Extend the Search Bar
You have two ways to extend the search bar, add items to a advanced dropdown section or even add some items to the main search bar, like "Number of Bedrooms" or "Price Range".
Drag and Drop Settings
Adding items to the search bar is super easy with our drag and drop system, you can even place items anywhere in the main search bar.
Price Ranges
Price input fields can be set to be selected as exact prices or as price ranges, $100 - 500, $500 - 1000, $1000+
Exact or Partial Matches
If you have a multiple list of features as checkboxes you can set if it should return results only if ALL match or if SOME match.
Advanced Search Directory Features
Directory Claim Listing

Claim Listings - Automated Business Owner Claims

Business Owners
Users can claim their own listings and when approved will have full control over the listing.
Automated or Manual Checks
Automate listing claims via email verification or be notified when a listing needs to be approved.
Approve or Reject
You as the admin have the power to Approve, Reject or even Undo a listing claim.
Customized Claim Form
With our free Ninja Forms integration you can add or edit any fields in the claim listing form, even requiring things like a phone number.
Pay to Claim
If the price manager is installed, you can force users to upgrade a listing and pay to claim it.

BuddyPress Integration - Create a Social Directory!

Show user listings on their profile page.
Show user submitted reviews on their profile
Show users favorites on their profile.
Set what actions should show in activity streams.
BuddyPress and GeoDirectory Integration
Social Importer to your Directory

Social Importer - Facebook, Yelp, TripAdvisor

Business Imports
Users can import their business info from Facebook, Yelp or TripAdvisor with just the URL of their page.
Event Imports
Events can be imported from facebook with just the URL of the events page.
No Setup Required
You can go through the API applications OR use our own import tool that requires no setup.

Franchise Manager

Franchises Chains
Easily crate chains of listings with common data.
Lock Fields
Use one listing as HQ and lock only the fields that all franchisees are going to inherit. For example, title, description, website are locked and address and phone numbers are not.
Synced Data
When updating locked fields of the main listing, all franchisees are edited too.
Quickly add new Franchises
When adding a new franchisee, only address and the phone number will have to be added to create the listing. All the rest will be taken from the HQ listing.
Franchise Directory Manager
Google Re-Captcha - Help Prevent Spam

Google Re-Captcha - Help Prevent Spam

Multiple Version Supported
v2, v3 and invisible versions supported.
Protect Your Forms
Protect Add listings, add reviews and even WordPress Login and Registration.
Disable for verified users
Disable checks per user role.
Match your style
Set dark or light theme and set the label's for inputs.

Marker Cluster - Unclutter Your Maps!

Clear the Clutter
Maps in large directories can start to look like a sea of markers, this addon solves that.
Designed to Scale
Browser side clustering for small directories and Server Side clustering for large directories. Load half a million markers in under 2 seconds.
Click to Zoom
Clicking a numbered marker will zoom to that location and refresh the clustering.
Cluster Any Map
Clustering can be applied to all GeoDirectory Maps.
Advances Options
You have precise control over when clusters are created and can adjust values in the settings.
Marker Cluster for Directory Maps
Multiratings and Reviews

MultiRatings and Reviews

Multiple Ratings
Create multiple rating inputs for things like quality, price, cleanliness, friendliness, value for money, you name it.
Photo Reviews
Enable photo upload so users can add multiple images to their reviews.
Rate Reviews
Optionally allow users to upvote or downvote reviews and sort reviews by votes.
Custom Styles
Individual rating types can have their own colors and icons.

Ajax Duplicate Alert - Prevent Duplicate Entries

Duplicate Detection
Checks new entry titles, phone, address, zip code and email address against the database in real-time.
Customize all warning messages or disable certain fields from being checked.
Prevent Duplicate Directory Entries
User Lists Manager

List Manager

Multiple Lists
Let users create multiple lists, "My Fav Restaurants", "Best Places to Eat", "Paris Things i Want To Do"
Public Lists
Users can choose to make their list public which can be viewed by other users on the site.
Private Lists
Optionally users can make a list private which is hidden from the site but can still be shared with friends with a direct link.

Custom Map Styles

Now Maps can look as awesome as the rest of your site!

Style Options
The Custom Map Styles add-on allows you to style your maps through a simple user interface with color pickers and intuitive options.
Match Branding
Match the style of your favorite theme or turn your maps into a branded element.
Import Styles
Import map styles from the Snazzy Maps site.
Custom Map Styles
GeoDirectory WP All Import Integration

WP All Import - Integration

While GeoDirectory provides a CSV importer/exporter and bulk edit tool for listings, with WP All Import you can exceed that.

Import CSV or XML with the top importing tool for WordPress.
Schedule imports, Import XML files, log imports and much more.

Embeddable Ratings Badge

Embedded Ratings
Allow listings owners to embed live listing ratings on their own websites.
Boost SEO
Get easy links from your listings owners and improve your SEO.
Style Matching
Unlock all style options and let your users match the style of their own website.
Embeddable Ratings Badge
GeoDirectory WP All Import Integration

Compare Listings

Compare Page
Allow users to add up to 5 listings to a page for comparison. (can be extended to show more)
Compare Fields
You as the admin can set any and all csutom fields to show in the comparison chart.
Compare Button
Add the compare button where you wish with a shortcode, block or widget.
Share and Compare
A unique link is created for the user so they can easily share their list with anyone.

Directory Converter

We often have users coming from other directory solutions, this addon was desinged to make that proccess as easy as possible.

Convert your phpMyDirectory site to GeoDirectory.
Directory Converter
GeoDirectory WP All Import Integration

WPML Multilingual

Multilingual Directories
Allow directory administrator to integrate GeoDirectory with WPML, the leading multilingual plugin for WordPress

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