Multisite – geodirectory – buddypress – bbpress

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years ago.

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    Post count: 46


    There’s another post about this today but I did not want to step on her topic. I realize this is out of the scope of your typical support but I am trying to minimize my learning curve. I have currently installed GD with a few of your plugins, BP, and bbpress on a single site. I want to convert to multisite before I get too much further down the road. I am using Cloudways/Digital Ocean and have migrated my single site install to another application folder on the Cloudways server. The new application that I migrated to was installed as multisite. I am planning to use the buddy press codex “Before You Create a Network” and “Create A Network” as guides. I also saw Stefan’s advice about using the directory approach. Any additional knowledge and/or suggestions before I embark?



    Post count: 46

    *Stiofan’s advice


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    Post count: 31211
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    Post count: 46

    Question directly for WPGeodirectory setup. Should it and the related plugins be enabled for network or just each site? I have installed multisite in the style and would like to execute as below from a different post. Thanks.
    My advice would be if you plan to either have a big directory or a big forum then to split them into multisite, GD, bbpress and most e-commerce plugins are web applications that will take a lot of resources, if they are split into their own multisite then they will only have to load their code into memory individually.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    all GD plugins must be activated for each website of the network where you want to use them.

    They will not work if network activated.



    Post count: 46

    Thanks Paolo


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    You are welcome 🙂

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