Relation between 2 post types or more

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  chrisat15 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 67


    I am having a hard time to get behind the function of them related listings…
    Right now I am only able to show related entrys from the same post type. Makes no sense for my needs. On top there is always shown the listed entry as related too…

    What I need:
    – POST TYPE A listing (overall)
    show post type B
    (Need a widget GD->related listing with SETTING OPTION POST TYPE).
    Example: Show a listing of hotels, related should be a listing of sport clubs.
    Show a listing of sport clubs, related should be a listing of hotels.

    The same should work for a region or country:
    Show a listing of hotels in brussels, related show a listing of sport clubs of brussels.

    Thought it would work using GD->popular post view -> location Filter.
    But it doesnt show any related listing.
    The related listing is not the same city, but the distance is only approx 30 kilometers.
    So when I show a hotel in brussels, it should show sport clubs in brussels and/or NEAR to brussels.

    All I tried to solve that didnt work…frustrating.

    Thankful for any help.

    Cheers, Chris


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67

    also helpful:

    ANY way to combine TAGS from post type A with TAGS from post type B…

    I find no way to share and combine post types – what is basically important.

    Thanks, Chris


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    this is not how it works sir. Related listings can only be of the same CPT and can be realted by category or tags only.

    Anything else will require a customization.

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67

    Hi Paolo,

    this is very bad news. In fact is that the most important feature of a software like yours.
    Crossmarketing is absolutely needed.

    Wow. Have to think over that and throw away all the work.
    Known that I would never have installed it.
    Painful info.

    Greetings, Chris


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67

    Hi Paolo,

    I gave it a test again – I really think that it could work. Sometimes it does. It looks like that the location filter at the widget doesnt work every time…
    Regarding this, how does the filter work? Based on ZIP or Region or distance?
    This is also not easy to check…

    My test is actually as follows:
    DETAIL PAGE: hotel details are shown – sidebar widget shows CORRECT matching sports (OTHER post type) and shows correct hotels (same POST TYPE). Both shown post types have the same ZIP.
    This could be a way to solve it, some minor changes would it make really better:

    1. Dont show the OWN listed hotel or post type again, the detailed place should be excluded in the widget. Only show the others.
    2. If there is no matching listing in this area, just show nothing. Much better than the error code nothing matching…

    Interesting things when you search:
    You search a location – same as for the sample above. Search works perfect, the correct hotels are shown. Distance of hotels are 0.19 and 3.12 kilometers.
    If you add the same widget as at the sample above, sports (other post type) are shown without location filter (it is set to work!). Here you see 352, 158, 3.5, 281 kilometers and so on.

    So the question is why does the same widget work at detail listing and at search listing not?
    Solving this, it would work good.
    If on top I would be able to set the params of location filter (best would be distance) then it should work as needed.

    Greetings, Chris


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67


    It works perfect using search and region. Shows the hotels of the region and the correct sport clubs (other CPT) from the same region.
    In my opinion works all fine, except the location filter.

    Greetings, Chris

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