Clarify text Customizing GeoDirectory templates

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years ago.

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  • #133359

    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    There appears to be critical words missing which is causing us confusion and inability to implement.

    Lines 10-13 and 17 “we should now look for.. in our



    <?php // <– probably not needed if you are adding to a functions file
    //First we remove the current forms function:
    remove_action(‘geodir_signup_forms’, ‘geodir_action_signup_forms’, 10);
    //then we call our own function:
    add_action(‘geodir_signup_forms’, ‘my_new_geodir_action_signup_forms’, 10);

      10 The function below is a copy of the on GD uses and then altered to our needs
      11 If we want to include the two form files in our theme then we can change where the files are
      12 looked for.
      13 For example we cahnge

    include(geodir_plugin_path() . “/geodirectory-templates/login_frm.php”);
    17 This will now look for the files in our theme, we can simply copy them from GD to our theme

      function my_new_geodir_action_signup_forms()


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Sorry about that:

    The function below is a copy of the function GD uses and then altered to our needs.

    The function is taken from the core plugin. With your php editor search all files for : geodir_action_signup_forms

    Let us know if this makes it clearer.


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