Disable places and make CPT as default

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #141849

    Expired Member
    Post count: 5


    I just installed the CPT add-on and I like that nice combobox that appeared into the search box in order to swap between CPT’s and Places.

    In fact, if you have 1 or more “Hospitals” as CPT then I you will see “Hospitals” CPT in the combobox.

    If you add “Hotels” CPT then there appears “Hotels” in the search combobox.

    Now I moved all my places into separated CPTs and leave defeault “Places” empty and unused and I obtain 3 results:

    1.- After remove all places, the “Places” value in the search combobox just disssapared: This is more than perfect!

    2.- Default map now displaying “no results founds”. How to make one CPT as default to work like when you have “Places”?

    3.- In the content listings and side widgets there are “no results founds” because I have no default “Places”. How to setup one CPT as default like “Places”?

    Also, is there any way to show in map all places from all CPTs? Same for listings?

    So you have in the directory everything separated per individual CPTs but you can do mix them all in the index page and index map until customer start to click or filter.

    Regards and thanks in advance!


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