How To Change “Listing Title” or “Listing Description”

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  whattodo-vi 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 31

    “Listing Title” or “Listing Description” doesnt work for me, how can i change this to:

    Profile Name:


    In simple and easy to follow terms please – you’re dealing with an idiot.

    thanks in advance


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello, you can translate each string you want using the .po files included in the plugin folder, here you can read how to do it


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    all pre-defined label of each template can be translated, that way the plugin can be used in other languages. The same exact method is used to change the text of any given text.

    You can do that in 5 easy steps following this guide :

    Basically you have to :
    1 download and install poedit on your computer :
    2 copy the file geodirectory-en_US.po that you find in geodirectory/geodirectory-languages in a folder of your computer (desktop for example), than open it with poedit.
    3 in that file you find all the text string the plugin uses by default. Search for “Listing title” and in the translation box add “Profile Name”. Do the same for all other text you want to modify.
    4 save the file. After saving you will find a new file in the folder where you originally copied geodirectory-en_US.po, called
    5 with an FTP client or via cpanel add a folder called languages in your wordpress install wp-content folder. Inside the language folder add another folder called with the name of the plugin. In this case geodirectory. At the end it should look like this : /wp-content/languages/geodirectory/
    6 if you are keeping your site in english, thee is no need to follow the last step of the guide. Just refresh the page and the text should change.

    Let us know if this is easy enough to follow or not.

    Thank you,


    Full Member
    Post count: 187


    Thank you so much for providing the step by step instructions. I was super intimidated and irritated about having to “translate” just to change some verbiage, but with your instructions, it was easy.


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