Initial setup

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joe Green 9 years, 9 months ago.

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    Joe Green
    Free User
    Post count: 43

    1. Is it possible to not stick in default location but open directory based on users location?

    2. If user’s location is not indetified is it possible to show list of locations as a first page?

    3. Is it possible to show list of categories in first page instead of list of listings? So user should choose specific category to get listngs.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello Joe,

    the user, when opens the website, can share his location (the browse will asks for the share-permission) and then the map will be loaded showing the closest city based on the user location.

    Also, via the location switcher, the user can manually choose the location based on country, region or city.

    With widgets, you can show a list of categories and if clicked, you’ll see the specified listings.


    Joe Green
    Free User
    Post count: 43

    1. Well, not always users want share location, in this case they see an error message (I tested it 🙂 ) – I was wondering if I can setup more polite locations switcher instead of error message.

    3. This is little confusing; for example: I have 3 main areas “Places”, “Events”, “Attractions” – each area have it own list of categories, which belongs only to that area. Therefore widget with one set of categories will not automatically switch to another. What I need to do then – create individual sidebar for each different CPT with individual widget? Create new template for each CPT and use short code for each category list? Or there is some more simple solution?

    Also, should I create individual categories as custom taxonomies for each CPT?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    1- what error do you have?
    If the user will disallow the permission for the share location, he will see the home of the website with the default city, otherwise he will see the map for the closest city based on his location

    3- you can add the popular category widget, and it will automatically show the category based for each CPT, and yes, you need to create individual categories for each cpt, these aren’t global


    Joe Green
    Free User
    Post count: 43

    1. You are right – when browser said “Unable to find your location” – it show default location, it was my mistake in question’s language. 🙁
    What did I thought: is it possible instead of showing default location page show location switcher?

    3. Thanks.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Location switcher is always visible in the navigation menu, you should first set a menu in Appareance/menu and then assign that in GD going in GeoDirectory/design/navigation, once you do that, you should go in GeoDirectory/Multilocation and enable “Show location switcher in menu”


    Joe Green
    Free User
    Post count: 43

    Thank you Simone, I’ll try that.

    Last question for today 🙂
    Is it possible to build classified area with GD?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    possibly with Custom Post Type addon you could create a classifieds CPT and using custom fields you could definitely create classifieds, but they would still require an address to be specified, which could be limited to the city name.



    Joe Green
    Free User
    Post count: 43

    That’s fine, everything should be local anyway.
    How could I build front-end submit form with custom fields for CPT?
    Do I will need php codding to create submit page, or you have addons for this?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    once you install the addon Custom Post Type, you can create a front end form for each new custom post type you create and you can create CPT specific custom fields.



    Joe Green
    Free User
    Post count: 43

    Thank you very much for all your answers and great support! 🙂

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