Questions on CSV upload/Spreadsheet

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    1. Tags: do tags have to be created in Geordirectory first?

    2.What about locations ALL of them have to be created prior to upload. Right now I am using Country – State – City?

    3. I need to add additional/customs fields. I assume that these fields need to be created in Geodirectory fist so that they will upload/map correctly.

    a.What is the method/process for creating additional fields?
    b. Is there any video or documentation on this that I can follow?
    c. How do I control where these custom fields appear in the listing?

    4. For Hours (of operation) field suppose the business has different hours for different day for example:

    Mon – Fri 9am to 6pm
    Sat 10am to 5pm
    Sun 12pm to 4pm

    How would this be inputted in the spreadsheet field?

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hell Stacey,

    1- tags can be blank on GD

    2- yes, cities must be creates on GD prior to the import

    3- yes, custom fields need to be created first, then you can add a column with geodir_nameofyourfield

    4- you can write plain text, there’s no standards in this field


    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    2- OK I can obviously do this, but what happens if a user wants to add a listing on a city that is not in the location list?

    3- Where can I get information & instruction on how to create custom fields. I don’t know if I am right, but it looks like I have to go into the “Settings” of the specific category that I want to add custom fields to – but the rest seen very confusing to me. Is there any documentation on how to properly use this?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    2- Pardon, you can actually upload a listing with a new city (tested now)

    3- to create custom fields, you can go to the settings of your custom post type, and then the interface is quite easy and intuitive. The HTML variable name is the ID of the custom field, so for example, if you add a custom field named “test”, you should create a column in your CSV named geodir_test


    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    2- So a listing with anew city can be upload got that. Does the State have to be created first?

    3- I am having a little trouble here – a bit confused. When I go to the setting for the Custom Fields (for a Post Type), is this area just to create Custom Fields for the spreadsheet for uploading listings? Or is there some other use for this? Does this have anything to do with the “Add a Listing” on the front end of the site, because I am having a hard time matching things up – seems like there is more and different fields (like radio buttons) on the Add a Listing.

    And on my sample spreadsheet shows image fields but the image (file upload??) field is not on the right hand side in the Custom Fields Section showing this. There are other inconsistencies between what is shown on the sample spreadsheet that I downloaded and what is on the right hand side of the Custom Fields – that is why I am having problems figuring this out.

    What is a “Fields Set” and what does “You must be use a fieldset to group your fields” mean?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    2- I’ve tried with new state-region-country and it works without creating them first.

    3- custom fields come handy if you actually needs custom fields in your listings.
    An example would be like, for restaurant, If there is a parking, or if they serve Vegan food, so you will add Parking as a checbox and Vegan Food the same.
    That’s not mandatory, it’s up to you.
    Custom fields will also appear on Add a Listing page and in the detail page (Eg “Parking: Yes” if they check the parking checkbox hewn adding the listing).

    A Fieldset is to create “blocks” of fields, example you will insert “Services” as field set and below you will create custom fields related to services, then you will add a field set for Food Types and you will add custom fields food related etc.. it’s just to have things neat and ordered.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    Hi again just stupid me! Thank you for the example it is very helpful.

    Using you Parking example if I have a checkbox on the that users would click on add a listing form – how would I do this on my spreadsheet? I can’t have a click box in a field…would it just be a “yes or no” field.

    To go one step further, how would I go about dealing with something that you can pick more than one thing (multiple answer fields) – using the restaurant example want to know the different amenities the restaurant has and you have a list on the add listing page like

    Pick all that apply: (below selections would have a check box)

    -Full Bar
    -Outdoor Dining
    -Offers Delivery

    What is the best practice for doing this in a spreadsheet? A “yes or no” field for each selection and have the above contained in a fields set? Or is there a better way?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello Stacey, no worries about stupid questions, there are only “stupid answers” 🙂

    For checkboxes you can use 1 or 0 as values, 1 is yes, and 0 is no (obviously). (example column geodir_takeout will have 1 if yes, 0 if no)

    For multiple values just use commas in the columns (example: value1, value2)



    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    Now these value 1 and 0 would they be entered in the “Optional Values” in the fields settings?

    Sorry to keep coming back to you on this. I am trying to have consistent data and also cut down on the manual entry as this leads to errors (we have a lot of listings)

    Just a suggestion (feedback) so please do not take this the wrong way (sometimes email can be hard figure out tone) but having some documentation on Custom Posts, Setting for Customs Posts & uploading would be very helpful. I know it is very time consuming to do this, but honestly feel at the end of the day would save you a lot of time with one on one support…although the personal attention is nice and I do appreciate the your excellent support and quick replies.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    No, these values are for the CSV upload, for the optional values there is the description below the field, explaining how to use them. If you are using multiselect you can just use “value1,value2, etc”, if you are using a tick filter, just use value1/1,value2/0 and this will be value1 if thicked and value2 if not ticked


    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    OK I’m lost when uploading how does the 1 and the 0 get mapped to yes and no?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    if it’s a checkbox, 1 is “Yes” and 0 is “No”


    Free User
    Post count: 39

    I read this thread and I also have a little trouble with CPT and custom fields. I want to create the custom field for occasions with a multiselect.
    Also I want to import the data for the CF later through csv import.

    If I import the data later: does “option values” have to be blank when I create it first ?
    If I write my occasions directly to the “option values” field: do the comma seperated values accept a space after the comma or must I post them without a space ?
    I have the same occasions for every listing that I want to import and I would like my users to filter for the occasions.
    How can I solve this ?

    The same thing I want to do with zip-codes: I want to create a select field with zip-codes where I can add the right zip-code to the listing and my users should be able to filter for zip-codes.
    How is this be done ?

    Thanks for your help…


    Free User
    Post count: 39

    Another question: can I have a field that is hidden until another field is checked ? Is this possible ?
    checkbox for “other occasion” – if its check: an input field appears underneath for the user to submit his own occasion.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 246


    I was wondering if I gave you 2 examples of custom fields (with credentials to my site) if you could set up these two fields in the CPT settings form (and fill in a mock spreadsheet field) that way I am almost 100% certain I can figure out the rest.

    This would be huge help for me so I can learn to do the rest myself (I have many custom fields for each CPT (I have 8 CPT’s so I have a lot of work to do LOL)


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