Using Membership Plugin to allow access to GeoDirectory Add Listings

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wasanajones 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #159138

    Post count: 180

    Hoping to have a sanity check about using a membership plugin to manage GeoDirectory admin users.

    say I want two GeoDirectory levels

    Free (add listings with limited features)
    Premium (add listings with premium features, CLAIM listings)

    if the membership plugin really just restricts access to content, how would this work?

    is there a way to have an Add Listing page for Free Listings and another page to add Premium Listings?

    I’ll reserve the follow-up question on how to change the claim listing links until we cross the page question bridge.



    Post count: 29970

    Not sure about other membership plugins, but wit S2 you can restrict by URI. So for example you can restrict /add-listing/?listing_type=gd_place&package_id=2 for some members but allow others.

    You can put conditionals around the claim link, so only some members can see.

    Visit for more.


    Post count: 180

    URI’s and id= that hadn’t occurred to me


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