Problems with WPML category translations

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    I have problems with taxonomy translation

    1.) PROBLEM – No default image and icon is found in the categories after new language translation. – Screen shot –
    I thought using the original categories to be translated the default image and icon would be used for the new translated version too. How am I able copy them?

    DE –
    EN –

    2. PROBLEM – Using Geodirectory with different CPT categories. I like to export the original categories with corresponding link for default images and icons e.g. as CSV file and then translate and re-import to used these data in different new WPML language version. I found your instruction here – BUT this is not working for geodirectory.

    If I use the core import/export function, then only the default language can be exported there is no export/re-import function for the WPML translated categories to add or change for re-import. Screen Shot –

    It is requested to get a bulk import/export function to be used for bulk category setup with default image and icons to create different versions of languages for my site. How would you suggest to do that?

    Please advice and help me to solve that issues above stated.

    Thanks in forward – Alex


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    1) Images and icons are not taken over, you must re-upload them even if they are the same.

    2) For problem 2 I think only listings can be imported for different translations, I don’t think we ever extended that to categories. I asked to the developers to confirm.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    For point 2 this is the answer from the developers:

    Now able to set source category id for WPML translated categories in GD Import/Export – CHANGED

    Early GD Import/Export already exports the categories within all WPML languages. Now i have added one more column “cat_id_original” in csv that can be used to set original category id.
    AAA has id=100 (EN), BBB has id=101 (FR), CCC has id=102 (IT)
    During import you can set value 100 for column cat_id_original for BBB & CCC
    So after import it shows BBB & CCC connected to source category AAA (This is a translation of)

    Admin details provided by customer ( previously not working, so not updated on his site
    User: guust
    PW: tBNTC)j03OMmpXhy2wJ%8pQo

    Please check and confirm.

    It will be in the next version.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Paolo,

    thanks for respond.

    I will try to flow your advice but need a bit more instructions.

    • about 1. problem (missing images)
    Why shall I import the images again? I am using the WPML media module with this instruction. So no need to upload media files again.

    • about 2. problem (categories in different languages import/export)
    I have been using the WPML instructions for taxonomy translations by using the WPML > taxonomy translation then new categories with new id’s have been created. Find here the EN Event Categories and here the DE Event Categories versions.

    Now using your developers instructions, I need advice in how to proceed further with my approach.

    What do I have to do now, either
    a. to delete all new (created with WPML taxonomy translations) translated categories within WP or
    b. to add for all new created categories the missing images and icons, but how?
    c. to use your import/export function to import the languages (which I would prefer) but how?

    I think the problem which we are facing here is, that new categories with new ID’s have been created, instead of using same ID’s for translated versions.

    Please advice how to proceed further. THANKS, Alex

    P.S. The login details have been working for me, BUT I have renewed the login user credentials and past them in next private conversation in this thread.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi support team,

    Issue – updates need to be done > solved
    I now have updated the plugins but when I use the import/export plugin and used your instructions.

    Issue 1 – export / import categories with new column id > still need help
    I have tried to use your instructions

    Now able to set source category id for WPML translated categories in GD Import/Export – CHANGED

    Early GD Import/Export already exports the categories within all WPML languages. Now i have added one more column “cat_id_original” in csv that can be used to set original category id.
    AAA has id=100 (EN), BBB has id=101 (FR), CCC has id=102 (IT)
    During import you can set value 100 for column cat_id_original for BBB & CCC
    So after import it shows BBB & CCC connected to source category AAA (This is a translation of)

    BUT after export the column “cat_id_original” is not existing. Find here the accommodation csv file

    Issue 2 – Images and Icond to be added to the translated categories > still need help
    According to the WPML media translation module, there is no need to import images again.

    I think it would be best to create a special “step by step” thread in your docs blog for
    “WPML translations – How to translate categories by using import/export function”
    “WPML translations – How to setup/import category images by using import/export function”

    Looking forward to your help.

    Thanks, Alex


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    I asked to the developers to follow up. They’ll let us know asap.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    This is the answer of our developers:

    I checked on customer’s site, and seems GeoDirectory core addon not updated correctly or modified after update.
    Because at here it shows GD 1.6.0, but when checked file geodirectorygeodirectory-adminadmin_functions.php, it shows older code.
    Please check screenshots attached
    – – This shows older code at customer’s site
    – current-geodirectory-git.png – This shows our recent code(since 1.6.0)

    Since v1.6 the columns cat_language and cat_id_original are placed in the position 7th and 8th, but on customer’s site it still cat_language positioned as the last column.
    So Please confirm that file has modified or not.

    After WPML translation the ID of category is separate for each language translation, whether it is category or a listing. The image and icons are stored and managed using ID. So the translated category needs to upload new images/icons.
    Let me know.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    about 1 – missing fields
    I forward this message to our developer and will report.

    about 2 – category icons
    So I need to do again a import of all category icons for the different language approach. But this is not the kind of approach I would like to use. Actually I would do this by editing the GD CPT category and chose again the same image, as it was used for the core language.
    Will that work also or does this makes a damage ?

    Thanks, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    I have Updated the plugins and addons , I have also updated the Main Theme of the website. But with these changes some of the functionality have stopped the working. Please see the attached image. In the country dropdown now only “Afganistan” are showing. also it is displaying only “Private Users” under Types Of users.

    Please check the plugins and themes and let me know what is the reason behind this errors.

    You have the login details.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Latest reply from the developer:

    On site custom field settings customer has applied option values which is in invalid format. I have corrected and now it showing all options.

    For Billing Nationality field option values should be like
    Afghanistan/AF,Aland Islands/AX,Albania/AL,Algeria/DZ,Austria/AT,Germany/DE
    or like
    Afghanistan,Aland Islands,Albania,Algeria,Austria,Germany
    but customer has inserted
    Afghanistan/AF->Afghanistan “Aland Islands/AX->Aland Islands” “Albania/AL->Albania” “Algeria/DZ->Algeria” “Germany/DE->Germany” “Austria/AT->Austria”
    which is wrong format.

    Option values should be comma separated same like you have on site for fields Internet Access Type & Sport Activities.
    For more on custom field settings please see documentation here



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hello Support Team,
    I have updated the newest version for GD Marker Cluster i.e 1.26 , but whole Site shows nothing , only blank page shows up , no error or warning appears . But then i removed the newest update for GD Marker Cluster and reinstalled the backup of GD marker Cluster 1.25 , it works like a charm , i wasn’t able to find out the issue with 1.26 so, can you please look inside this issue.
    Looking forward for your help ,
    Thanks in Advance


    Post count: 29970

    Did you also update GD core to 1.6.2?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Thanks i didn’t updated GD core

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