I have my ad code inside my header.php, I’m not enqueuing in functions because I’m using a php variable to serve specific ads based on category. My problem is that GD booster moves this code and because it’s not calling a .js files I’m not sure how to excluded this script from being moved.
Here is the site: http://new.electronichouse.com/category/home-lighting/
This is the code GD Booster is moving:
<script type="text/javascript">
OAS_url = 'http://oasc05050.247realmedia.com/RealMedia/ads/';
OAS_sitepage = 'electronichouse.com/lighting';
OAS_listpos = 'Top3,Top,Middle,Middle1';
OAS_query = '';
OAS_target = '_top';
//end of configuration
OAS_version = 10;
OAS_rn = '001234567890'; OAS_rns = '1234567890';
OAS_rn = new String (Math.random()); OAS_rns = OAS_rn.substring (2, 11);
function OAS_NORMAL(pos) {
document.write('<A HREF="' + OAS_url + 'click_nx.ads/' + OAS_sitepage + '/1' + OAS_rns + '@' + OAS_listpos + '!' + pos + '?' + OAS_query + '" TARGET=' + OAS_target + '>');
document.write('<IMG SRC="' + OAS_url + 'adstream_nx.ads/' + OAS_sitepage + '/1' + OAS_rns + '@' + OAS_listpos + '!' + pos + '?' + OAS_query + '" BORDER=0></A>');
<script type="text/javascript">
OAS_version = 11;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla/3') != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla/4.0 WebTV') != -1)
OAS_version = 10;
if (OAS_version >= 11)
document.write('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript1.1 SRC="' + OAS_url + 'adstream_mjx.ads/' + OAS_sitepage + '/1' + OAS_rns + '@' + OAS_listpos + '?' + OAS_query + '"></SCRIPT>');
<script type="text/javascript">
function OAS_AD(pos) {
if (OAS_version >= 11)
</script> <!-- Moved to file by GD Booster f200dcf3c0df498af321afd732043b1e_plain.js -->
I appreciate any advice you can give me.