One listing in two CPTs or categories?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 4 months ago.

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    Post count: 212

    Can one listing be used in two CPTS, or in the categories of two different CPTs?

    For example, I currently have a Trails CPT. Under that I currently have thee subcategories, Hiking, Biking and Horseback.

    However, because Biking is a subcategory, those trails don’t show on the map as Biking Trails. Only the parent category, Trails, shows on the map.

    I’m thinking of creating a separate CPT, Bike, with categories under Bike to include Trails, Shops, etc. so that each category shows on the map.

    I imagine a visitor who’s interested in biking would search under the Bike listings for trails, bike shops etc. and expect to see them displayed on the map.

    But I also know that visitors are conditioned to look for Trails, then look for whether they can bike on that trail, so I’m trying to cover both bases.

    But do it by creating only one listing that can be used in both CPTs. (We have dozens and dozens of trails.)

    Is this possible? (Or do I just make Biking a a category under Trails, instead of a subcategory?)

    Trying to figure out how the categorization displays and the most logical way for the visitor to the site.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    each listing can only be in 1 cpt and catgeorized with the catgeories of that CPT.

    I’m not really sure why you say that being a subcategory it doesn’t show on the map.

    Please clarify, maybe with links so that we can see the problem.

    Thank you,


    Post count: 212

    Hi Paolo,

    Try this link:

    Trails is the parent category, with a signpost for the map icon. Each subcategory has it’s own map icon – a bike for Biking, a hiker for Hiking and a horse-and-rider for Horseback.

    Most trails are multi-use, so they are in at least two of the three subcategories.

    There’s no change on the map when you untick the categories in the map box.

    It’s totally possible that I set things up incorrectly. :-/ I’m still figuring this out.

    Thanks for your patient help.



    Post count: 29970

    Try changing the default category for the listings. It seems you have the Trail category as default category for each listing in the Trail CPT.
    Instead of Trail [CPT] > Trail [cat] > Hikng [sub-cat], you might be better as
    Trail [CPT] > Hikng [cat]
    Why do you repeat the CPT and the category?


    Post count: 212

    Because I did it wrong. 🙂 Didn’t seem right to select “None” as parent category.

    I went through and deleted “Trails” as the parent category for all the trails. But only 1 or 2 “Biking” and “Horseback” icons show up. Numerous trails are also in the Mountain Biking category.

    If I’m understanding correctly, each category should show up on the map?

    Thanks for your patient help.


    Post count: 29970

    Please remember to turn off the coming soon page if you want staff to see your site, or provide admin details in a private message.

    A listing will show its icon for the default category selected for the listing.


    Post count: 212

    Sorry about that. I was thinking that because the page was published you could get around the coming soon page.

    The coming soon page is disabled.

    Thanks for your patience.


    Post count: 212

    Removing “Trails” as the parent category didn’t seem to sort things out with the three categories in the Trails CPT.

    Perhaps I’m misunderstanding how the map display works when you have a listing assigned to several categories.

    For example, I thought that if I have a trail assigned to the categories Hiking, Mountain Biking and Horseback, it will display with the individual map icons for each of those categories, correct?

    Or, will it only display the map icon for the default category checked on the listing?

    Again, sorry if I’m asking the obvious.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    when a listing is assigned to more than one category it will show the icon of the category with lowest ID. This is a Google Maps work and we cannot change it.

    So for example if you have listing X assign to categories 1,2 and 3 and in the home map all 3 categories are selected to be visible, the X listing will show the icon of category 1. If you disable category 1 and leave 2 and 3 to be visible, it will show icon of category 2 and so on.

    The default category is only used in the URL of the detail page for each listing.

    Let me know if this makes it clearer.



    Post count: 212

    Thanks, Paolo.

    That does make it more clear.

    I’m rethinking how I organize my CPTs and their categories to allow for the built-in limitations like this, and still keep it intuitive for the user. I realize I’m probably the oddball GeoDirectory user in this one respect.

    Thanks to you and Guust for the patient explanations, as always!



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    You are welcome 🙂

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