@paolo, that social login hook we added earlier is only for desktop login box.
Use my code at the end of supreme’s functions.php file and customize according to your needs. If you are using wordpress social login, then most probably my code would work.
remove_action('dt_before_site_logo', 'dt_add_mobile_gd_account_menu');
add_action('dt_before_site_logo', 'custom_dt_add_mobile_gd_account_menu');
function custom_dt_add_mobile_gd_account_menu()
{ ?>
<div class="dt-mobile-account-wrap"><a href="#gd-account-nav"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></a></div>
<div id="gd-account-nav" >
<div >
<?php if (class_exists('geodir_loginwidget')) {
the_widget('geodir_loginwidget', 'mobile-login-widget', array('before_title'=>'<strong class="mobile-login-widget-title">','after_title'=>'</strong>'));
// your custom code starts here
// if you are planning to insert social login buttons, then most likely you are looking for this code
echo "This is a test output";
// your custom code ends here