Pricing Package not showing in "Add Listing"

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  • #22726

    Free User
    Post count: 27


    I have installed “GeoDirectory Payment Manager” and “GeoDirectory Custom Post Types”.
    I have 3 different listings: Free, Claimed, Premium. I have created the CPT.
    Then, I went to “Prices and Payments”. Under “Prices” I see three options based on the listing types I created. When I try to edit the ones for CPT it won’t allow me to do it, so I created two new.
    The problem now is that when I go to “Add Listing” page in the frontend I only see the free option.

    What am I missing here?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello again Kat,
    Is your new price Package set to active and linked to the correct post type?


    Free User
    Post count: 27

    Yes, I see it as active.
    I am attaching a screenshot so you can see what I see.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Could you post your login details In a private reply please ?


    Free User
    Post count: 27
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    Expired Member
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    Free User
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    each price packacge is linked to a single post type, so if you want to have a premium package for all your custom types you need to create a “copy” for each cpt. In the link you gave me, the custom type is gd_place (which is Places). You, instead, created a premium package for the post type named “Premium Places”.
    If your intent is to use Places, you need to create a price package for gd_place (when you create the package, you sill see the post types under the dropdown named “Post Type”, see attach).


    Free User
    Post count: 27

    My intent is to have three different listing designs.
    Each design should be assigned to a different price package.

    So I have Free, Claimed, Premium.

    Free has design as set in “Place Settings” and costs 0.
    Claimed has design as set in CPT “Claimed Place Settings” and costs 0.50
    Premium has design as set in CPT “Premium Place Settings” and costs 1.00.

    Do I need to change my current setuo in order to make it work as I need it?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    ok so:
    -Place will only have the Free as it is,

    – In Claimed you need to deactivate the Free (for its cpt) and create a Claimed package with 0.50

    – In Premium you need to deactivate the Free (for its cpt) and create a Premium package with 0.50

    Each of this custom type will have its own “add page”, and only a package.


    Free User
    Post count: 27

    Got it!
    One final confirmation: is there a way to avoid the different “add page” for each package?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hmmm…. one “easy” way is to manually create a page with three buttons+descriptions in it (with a direct link to each package).

    Complex way is to create a function… 🙂


    Free User
    Post count: 27

    Τhat’s what I thought! 🙂

    Last question. What happens if I have to upgrade a listing.
    i.e. I have a free listing and I need it to be premium now.
    Do I have to delete the old one and create a new one? Or can I just upgrade it and enter the additional allowed details?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    you can’t do that..natively..
    you should recreate the listing, yes.


    Free User
    Post count: 27

    Thank you very much for you patience and your help Simone!

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