Media handling

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    Jason Emanuelson
    Full Member
    Post count: 71

    Is there any way to have GeoDirectory use the WP media handler for featured image choices? I understand that there is a benefit to having one area to handle both the featured image and also the slideshow images. But, it comes with a cost of having to upload new every single time you want to add an image, even if it is already in the system.

    We use GD for directories for towns and cities, and it is getting to the point where cities are wanting alternatives to GeoDirectory. One of the primary reasons is media handling. If you import and use the same image, it will clone it for every single entry that uses it, even if the filename is exactly the same. We also ran into the issue where if you remove an image that was the same as another record, it will remove them both.

    I am hoping there could be a better way to handle media. I know WordPress’s media handling stinks, to say the least, so you don’t have much to work with, but is there any way to help make it a little easier to work with? I am not asking that you re-invent media handling for WordPress, but instead look at different user case scenarios for how people are working with directories and media.

    One possible solution for importing and duplicates – if an import includes a url, it does not add another instance of the image. If it just includes a filename, it adds it to the media library.

    Secondly, add a button to choose featured images and slideshows from existing media library assets. It is cool that one can choose a single image and have it handle it for featured and slideshow, but for some, it is not worth the massive library that it creates.

    I still have to figure out how to remove several thousand images from imports that were done without knowing it was creating new images every time. My fear is that I am going to have to remove all directory images and restart the entire process over. I just don’t want anyone else to have to go through that.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Jason,

    the problem with the media library is that it creates 4 extra sizes for each image (unless you put them all to zero) and also create a post type attachment in the database for each size. For each image you end up having from 1 to 5 extra posts in the database, that you will never use and will make your wp_post and wp_postmeta tables huge for nothing.

    Thus, using the media library isn’t really a good option and that is why we use a separate uploading script.

    Not duplicating images with the same file name during CSV import, would require the import script to 1st check for each image name and then verify if it already exist (we would probably need to create a db table just for that) and if it doesn’t, upload it. It would add a lot of extra operations that would make the speed of the import decrease dramatically.

    Considering that using the same images on multiple articles decreases their SEO value for Google, we never really saw this as a big problem.

    After all, it’s much better to have a big upload folder, than a big database. The 1st problem can be solved adding extra storage space, but it won’t slow down your website, while the second is much more difficult to handle.

    These are my considerations, I’ve flagged this for the developing team to share their thoughts too. They are the smartest people I know and maybe they can come up with a solution that I fail to see.

    They’ll let us know asap.

    Thanks for your patience,


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Jason,

    My first question would be, why are u using duplicate images?
    Do you know you can upload a default image per category?



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