Blank screen after clicking activate

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    Nate B
    Post count: 16

    After activating the plugin my site went blank. I deactivated it to resolve the issue, but I really want to try GeoDirectory out. It seems like a lot of other ppl had this issue. It happened to me on another site I was working on as well.

    I have the avada theme. Any idea on how to remedy this issue?


    Post count: 29970

    Have you activated the Avada – GD compability plugin?
    You can try disabling other plugins to find possible conflicts.
    If you have no luck, just post your URL and WP-admin details in a private message so we can have a look at your settings.


    Nate B
    Post count: 16

    Oh no I haven’t what’s the link for the plugin? Its not on the plugin search and all I found on google is this: and I’ve already bought the theme.


    Post count: 29970

    I’ll get Paolo to look at this for you.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    both the theme and plugin can be downloaded on theme tailors from your “my order” page. Both are included in the zip.



    Nate B
    Post count: 16
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    Nate B
    Post count: 16
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    Post count: 29970

    You have not downloaded the Avada GD child theme yet.
    You need to activate that theme first, and then GD and the compability plugin.

    Let us know how you go.


    Nate B
    Post count: 16

    I first downloaded the child theme, the plugin and geo-directory on my personal site to test it out and it got flagged with a chrome “this site ahead contains malware” message. Attached is the full message.

    I deleted everything and the message is still there. What do you think caused that?


    Nate B
    Post count: 16
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    Post count: 29970

    To be honest, no idea, except that you must have tried to visit that site [the one mentioned in the alert] and that site has some malware installed.

    Have you been able to fix your Avada problem?


    Nate B
    Post count: 16

    No that’s the thing, when I tried to fix my avada problem on my personal site that has Avada and put the Avada GD child theme and compatibility plugin on my site that alert would show up when I tried to access MY site and the same thing would happen if I accessed it using another computer. And when I talked to my hosting service, sure enough, there were a lot of files in my themes folder that were suspicious.

    So I’m pretty sure the Avada Child theme and the compatibility problem plugin caused the issue. When Google scanned my website yesterday before I uploaded the child theme and compatibility plugin, they said my site had no security issue (see the attached image).

    So I am very nervous to try out the solution you provided on my client because I think it caused my personal site to get malware. Is there any alternative solution?


    Post count: 29970

    You are the first one ever to report anything like that, and since you have already the compatibility plugin, you must have unzipped the file already.

    Always run a virus check over a ZIP file if you don’t trust the source, before extracting it or uploading it.

    But having said that, all files on WP and ThemeTailors are subject to the best of checks, so it is highly unlikely to be the source of your problem on your other site.


    Post count: 29970
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    I just re-scanned both child theme and compatibility plugin for Avada and they are virus/malware free.

    I’d run a full scan on your PC.


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