Side bar widbet bug users using Explorer browser?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #254790

    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    I had a user comment about the “edit” widget not displaying on her screen when using Explorer Browser Windows 7.

    So, I did an online screen sharing session and replicated the event using Explorer and trying to edit the posted event.. attached is the image.

    As you can see the widget area “text” is missing. Is this a bug or some other conflict on


    Post count: 29970

    See image for what I see as a non-logged in user.
    It seems the listing is not claimed, so if your user added that listing, they must have selected that they were not the business owner/associate.
    Maybe the listing is not assigned to the user.
    Maybe there is some code that hides that for logged-in users.
    Please post admin details if we need to have a further look.

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