Hi Steofan,
for my multiple custom fields creation I have established a excel template to setup the data via formula according field_types and settings form GD backend by export/re-import into database.
1. I create custom fields in backend
2. I export the custom fields data table
3. I use the excel table with furmula to create and add changes of the settings e.g. price categories and data values to copy paste
4. then I re-import the settings as csv file.
For this I need to know if the existing table columns are used to create those new settings in the column “show_in”.
e.g. the column “field_type_key” is same as “field_type” data so I can copy paste those settings within.
Using now same idea for column “show_in” data I would use then a formula to create those data settings to setup the data in excel template.
That is why I come to this conclusion:
eg. show_on_detail = 1 means then in show_in [moreinfo]
is_default = 1 means then in show_in [detail]
show_on_listing =1 means then in show_in [listing]
Where does the [owntab] setting comes from within Database table?
Regards, Alex