Mobile phone app based on wpgeodirectory

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 20


    has anybody built a mobile phone app based on the wpgeodirectory database? Or is anybody interested in?
    I know there are different possibilities for responsive browser layout but providing an app would expand the people in the target group.
    I also understand, that’s not possible to have one app for all wpgeodirectory users, but maybe a base program which can be adapted.

    What do you think and who are also interested in?



    sylvester vader
    Post count: 151

    there are apps available that simply show the site you want
    if you then have a good responsive layout it should work the same as a real app

    downside is that it wil also show adds and such from the app maker


    Expired Member
    Post count: 20

    Thanks, I’m using the geodirectory supreme layout.
    Can you send me a link to the apps or the name?


    sylvester vader
    Post count: 151

    uhm there are alot of these companies
    but best one i found sofar
    its free and without adds, problem is that it will everytime give a message to the user saying its an unpayed version
    wich you dont want to show to people
    it costs between $590 and $890 one time for a payed version

    and its even possible to put it compleetly inside appstore or google play but this wil also cost alot 🙁

    but just look arround on google simply by searching website to app


    Post count: 29970

    This will create a mobile site within an app:

    Or you can wait until GD’s own app is out of development.


    sylvester vader
    Post count: 151

    yes but the wordpress app is mainly good for wordpress stuff
    it will not look nice with wpgeodirectory

    but i hope the app for wpgeodirectory wil be good ill wait for it 🙂
    for the moment ill try to hack out the codes that i dont want from the apk i allready have 😛


    Expired Member
    Post count: 20

    Thanks for your reply and the information.

    Guust, any date available for the app?
    weeks, months, years??? 🙂


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    for sure still months…


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