Wrong page Title by using WPML

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi support team,

    I am wondering that my page title in source code is wrong. Site is created within wordpress and title shall be the same, but not proper displayed in source code. There is the German title displayed instead of original english version title.

    The title is wrong in sourcecode – view-source:https://www.worldcheckin.com/affiliate/
    > worldcheckin • EN LP Affiliate • Wie man ein wiederkehrendes Einkommen online erzielt – worldcheckin • EN
    should be
    > worldcheckin • EN LP Affiliate • How To Earn Recurring Money Online – worldcheckin • EN

    Plugins in use which involved in title creation:
    – WPML
    – Jost SEO

    URL to page
    Screenshot enclosed

    Best regards, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    GeoDirectory has nothing to do with that problem, please ask for help to either WPML or Yoast support.

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    I have now opened this WPML Thread and hope to get help from there.

    Thanks, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi support team,

    after trying to solve the issue with WPML support I now come back to you to help me with the failure issue.

    According to WPML support the issue is related to a plugin in use. Now after all not related plugins deactivated I found out, that when activating the core “geodirectory” plugin, then the failure takes place.

    Failure description:
    When geodirectory is activated, then a no correct translated title is displayed in DE translated version.

    Screen Shot
    Source code page DE version

    Please help me to solve the issue to be able to use again geodirectory without page title translated problem in source code.

    Best regards, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Support team,

    this is just a reminder, because this topic is still open and I need your help after reproducing the failure in help with WPML support and we pointed out that it is related to geodirectory.

    If geodirectory is not activated, all works proper with the title, but when activated then the problem of wrong title within sourcecode is displayed. It seems to be may a child theme problem but need your help to find out.

    Even by using our clone version for testing it is the same situation found.

    Best regards, Alex


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Page seems fine to me? (see image)


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Stiofan,

    you need to check the page in german version which has the translated issue of english text instead of german text in title. (as explained above)

    URL >
    Scource URL >

    Kind regards, Alex


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    This has todo with WPML removing the page ID for translated pages, we add it back as its needed. As a result there seems to be some title problems, if you change the slug of the page so they are no the same then it will work.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Stiofan,

    thanks for reply.

    1. But actually I am not sure how to solve my issue now. What is your suggestion to delete and create the page new with new slug? My aim is to use same /affilite URL.

    2. I have now again informed WPML support for may helping hands as well and to make sure that both systems Geodirectory and WPML will work perfect together without causing a problem like this.

    BR, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi again,

    I got a reply from WPML forum

    WPML does not remove the ID from translated pages. But, as translated pages are just regular WP pages, they have another ID than the original. That may be causing the problem.

    In order to get the original page ID when you are in a translated page you may use this hook:

    Now the big question is what shall I do or how you would go further to solve my issue?

    Regards, Alex


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I can’t consitantly recreate this, the solution is to just change the page slug to something else, a translation or /affiliate-de/



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Stiofan, thanks again for reply.

    well I do not understand why it is not working proper. The EN /affilate and the DE /de/affiliate seems to me right slugs.

    But if I want to use the plain slug /de/affiliate as it is – how to adjust wordpress to make that work proper again?

    For the statement you done “WPML removing the page ID for translated pages” I got news from WPML support to may adjust GD by development cooperation.

    Either by using the info https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/wrong-page-title-by-using-wpml/#post-324261 or contact WPML for further assistance to make a plugin fully WPML compatible:

    Looking forward to your reply.

    BR, Alex


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    If i can’t recreate it then i can’t fix it. You server is a nightmare to work on and has lots of custom changes. If you can replicate it on a vanilla WP install with just WPML and GD i will look further.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Stiofan,

    what is the meaning of vanilla WP install?
    Would it help to deactivate all not necessary plugins on saturday to be able to adjust my problem and re-activate when done?

    Here again and info from WPML support:
    I’m not sure what the GD plugin is doing to make this not work. As we saw in the other ticket, it works properly without it, right?

    It may be using the page slug instead of the ID and then it get “confused” with the two pages with the same ID. The fix, I think, needs to be done in the GD code. If they can give us more information we may try to take a look at it. But I’m not sure how complex it may be.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Thanks, Alex

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