I am still wrestling with the problem of importing data and the map markers being hidden by another marker.
I have a combination of problems including the above and I am not sure exactly how GD is functioning:
1) I have imported my data with a specific UK address and geocoding – I have tried this with both the box checked and unchecked under multilocations/location settings/disable google address autocomplete.
GD changes the imported address and has removed part of the post code. It will not allow me to change the geocoding to offset the map markers that are covering each other. What can/should I do please?
2) I was trying to realign the markers and, in the frontend, everytime I tick/untick a category the map zoom out; back to its original zoomed out position. This is really annoying if you are trying to do some research or planning in a certain rarea of the map as everything resets. Can this be changed to allow categories to be switched on and off without zooming out?
Al 🙂