Sidebar doesn't appear Whoop theme GEODIR & BUDDYPRESS

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    Stevens Nahmias
    Expired Member
    Post count: 94

    Hello i’ve been struggling with my sidebar not appearing on my homepage at this website it’s running with whoop theme with geodirectory & buddypress plugin and the page where the sidebar does not appear is the site activity page from buddypress wich i set as my homepage could i get some help to figure this one out thanks ahead.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155
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    Stevens Nahmias
    Expired Member
    Post count: 94

    You’re amazing works like magic!

    If you can also tell me why have my buddypress registration is not working properly even though

    1 installed buddypress integration
    2 i checked the box to redirect to buddypress login
    3 all my buddypages pages are creates
    4 anyone can register is checked i keep getting redirected to gd-login page

    even when i put my direct url path it goes to gd-login.

    Could i of misconfigured something or do you have a fix to apply for that as well ? 🙂

    while i’m asking i would like to have a page for users who are not logged & the same page a little dirent for users who are logged what would be the easiest way to implement that solution ?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Have you set the register page in buddypress settings?

    Settings -> BuddyPress -> Pages -> Registration

    Stevens Nahmias
    Expired Member
    Post count: 94

    Thanks giri for your help, yes settings are set correctly for the buddypress pages what could be the other possibilities ?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Try deleting the buddypress register page and creating once again.

    Then assign it in the buddypress settings


    Stevens Nahmias
    Expired Member
    Post count: 94

    Done but no luck this time i stay on the gd-login page no buddypress registration page even when i try to go


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Please post your admin login details. I’ll have a look



    Stevens Nahmias
    Expired Member
    Post count: 94

    Fixed i had an old redirection i forgot about when started design to this theme i’m sorry about that!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Thanks for letting me know


    Stevens Nahmias
    Expired Member
    Post count: 94

    Thank you for your help & time keep up the good work love geodirectory!


    Stevens Nahmias
    Expired Member
    Post count: 94

    There’s also no sidebar on the buddypage registration so i tried setting it to full width template but i still have that blank space like it was on the activity page how do i get the sidear or get it set to full width is it custom or pre build?


    Stevens Nahmias
    Expired Member
    Post count: 94

    also missing sidebar in the registration success page on the buddypress seems like they all need the same Girifix


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Hi Stevens,

    I have removed the if check.

    So now the sidebar will be displayed in all buddypress pages.

    The reason I have removed sidebar from buddypress pages is because to match yelp design.

    If you face any problem, let me know.

    P.S: You need to test all buddypress pages. Take a note of pages where the sidebar not required and then let me know. So I can only exclude those pages.



    Stevens Nahmias
    Expired Member
    Post count: 94

    Hi giri thanks for answering again i would like the sidebar to show in all bp pages got it working for groups following your path but not working for registration

    if (bp_is_groups_directory()) {
    $sidebar = apply_filters(‘whoop_groups_page_sidebar’, true);
    if (!$sidebar) {
    $full_width = true;

    I’d love to try out your solution but i cain’t access the file:

    Would you mind sharing your link once again please. Thanks ahead.

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