import Multiselect Values

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #30340

    Post count: 273

    Hi Guys,

    hope you can help:
    I don’t succeed in importing Multiselect values. The import of regular (text) custom fields goed well, but we have several multiselectfield that we need as well.
    I’ve used Jeff’s IFY content export-plugin to check how the content would be exported, and I literally copied that output to test the csv-upload, but nothing happened. Nothing in the frontend, but the data is also invisible when I look at it in the backend…

    Hope am doing wrong something… Thanks in advance!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    the best thing to do to succeed with this is to manually add as many multiselect examples to 1 test listing, than with phpmyadmin or a plugin like browser database check how it was added to the wp_geodir_cptname_detail table.

    Change cptname with your CPT name (default place).

    By copying the exact format used to enter the data by the front end form there is no way to go wrong.

    Let us know if this is an exceptable solution for you.



    Post count: 273
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    Post count: 273
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Just put in private 🙂


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    You are not trying to import that file directly, are you?


    Post count: 273

    No i Use the filenames (and some fake-input to check whether it is the right field), and add the word geodir in the beginning (because I found that that happens all the time).
    After that I add that field to my CSV table in Open Office. Everything is uploaded, except these Multiselect elements.

    I was just thinking: maybe it’s the same issue as improving multiselect-values from a place to an event? Earlier report.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I’ve just tested again a sample file I had for another member and it works.

    The custom field in the csv is :


    and values are :

    wine, pets, kids

    Make sure you are adding custom fields at the end of the file after images.

    If this doesn’t work, please provide a sample file with few places that you are unable to import and URL + wp admin credentials and we will have a look.



    Post count: 273

    AFTER the images… that might be it. Keep you posted, tomorrow morning!

    Thanks again (and again;-)


    Post count: 273

    Yes! That made the difference. Resolved!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


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