VaultPress back-up

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  viguursthijs 10 years ago.

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  • #30703

    Post count: 273

    Guys, and other visitors,

    Does anyone of you recognize this story? This morning we’ve tried to restore an earlier version of our stack by using VaultPress.
    What happened was strange: although the listings re-appeared in the WP-CMS (backend). They weren’t filled anymore with content. So actually it was a useless restoration.

    I’ve had contact with them, but next to some general remarks like (it looks as if it went good) they were not able to help.

    Are there settings that could influence this? I guess not if you present yourself as a one-click solution…
    Does some-one else have better experience with Vaultpress

    We feel like we should stay with them because they are (as far as we know) the only backup-solution that offer realtime backup. Realtime (incremential) is we consider as necessary for our site.

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts and ideas…


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Honestly I never tested Vaultpress in the past…

    Our database structure is fully compatible with wordpress standards, so it should work with any backup tool.

    If you could share wp admin credentials and link of a website where we can see the effect of restoring a back up from vaultpress, we could maybe spot the reason, but it could be dependent from their technology.

    So I can’t promise anything.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    Was the back prior to version 1.3?

    In case it was, that is most likely the reason. Until 1.3 our custom database tables did have the wp_ prefix and some backup tools where ignoring them.

    Let us know,


    Post count: 273

    They are investigating it right now. It happened this morning and i love having the latest version, so i guess it was 1.3.6… Keep you posted


    Post count: 273

    By the way, Guys

    After this whole affair i manually cleared everything: database, listings etc; but I don’t succeed in preventing that I get this irritating figure at the end of the url:

    It’s because somewhere there is an old listing, I guess.
    What would you recommend to delete…

    Thanks (again)


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Maybe in trash you have an old listing with that same name? If that’s the case you must delete it to prevent the incremental number after the slug.



    Post count: 273

    I’ll try it again.

    This is what faultpress returned to me: do you think it makes sense?

    “Regarding your linking issue, can you go to the Settings > Permalinks page and click on “Save Changes” ? That will force the permalinks to rebuild and should solve your link issue.

    I have looked up the restore logs from yesterday and it looks like the wp_geodir_ tables were imported successfully during the full restore, and during the SQL-only restore as well.

    Have you tried deactivating and reactivating the wpgeodirectory plugin after the restore succeeded, but before importing the database manually?”

    Thanks again for your wise words…;-)


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    You could try adding this to your child theme functions file to see if it helps:

    add_action("geodir_installation_end", "flush_rewrite_rules",10);



    Post count: 273

    Thanks, will try it

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